Molesey, England
After walking around Hampton Court Palace, whose construction began in 1515, I decided it was time to put my feet up and RELAX and this was the perfect place, looking out over the lawn.
Camera used: iPhone
Hook, England
We spent a wonderful day with a Falconer, looking at his birds and watching what they do. Did you know that birds do not poop in their nests? They find a tree and that becomes their poop tree and you know this because it is covered in white. I thought that was amazing. Each bird is unique and awesome to watch. Here the Red-tailed Hawk is flying, I love taking photos of birds as they fly!
Camera used: Canon 50D
Hook, England
We spent sometime with a falconer, Simon and it was so enjoyable! This owl was beautiful. Abby, was raised by a 6 year old girl and she loves to cuddle. When she was on anyone’s arm (they had a thick glove on) she would move up close to their body. It was fun to watch their interaction as she would look into their eyes. Doesn’t she have beautiful eyes?!?!
Camera used: Canon 50D
Hook, England
We went out into the countryside and saw lots of animals; cows, horses, ducks, and even some that we don’t know what they were. This duck and horse were drinking together when the duck decided to waddle away. So, I watched and at the right moment when he was between the horses legs, I snapped this photo.
Camera used: Canon 50D
London, England
This is so funny, we went into the British Museum and had a wonderful time looking at the Egyptian area, Roman area and then we went back downstairs and I noticed this beautiful ceiling thru some doors, so I went inside and wow, there was the entrance to the museum. Maps, we wondered why there weren’t any maps. We all laughed when we realized that we had only gone thru the entryway. The British Museum is huge, we definitely need to go back and see so much more!
Camera used: iPhone
Esher, England
We just saw the most amazing, awesome, wonderful movie ever. I would say that it just became my favorite Super Hero, Marvel Comics, movie of all times. The story line, the acting, the feeling I left with, everything is wonderful!! Have you seen it? If yes, what are your thoughts, with no spoilers, please! P.S. For those who haven’t seen it, stay thru the credits!
Camera used: iPhone
Esher, England
It was a damp, cold night, as I left Wheatsheaf’s pub on High Street and went out into the wet night. This was not an unusual evening for London as I always carry an umbrella with me, just incase the weather turns. Now, as I held on to my umbrella I faced the storm. At times I thought I would lose my umbrella as gusts of wind would try and take it out of my hand. I walked faster thru the driving rain and dark cold night. As I turned a corner, the on coming headlights fell upon me creating my shadow on the lawn next to me. I snapped this photo just for you, as I hurried along, thru the pouring rain. Finally, I slipped into my flat, away from the billowing wind and downburst. Warm, I was warm, I was dry and home at last!
Camera used: iPhone
Richmond, England
On a very wet day, Craig and I went to the Kew Gardens. They are beautiful! There are large green houses with tons and tons of flowers! We went into one that was amazing and so big that we didn’t even see all of it. There were columns with different flowers growing all over them. This one has more tropical flowers on it, others have orchids on them. Their orchid collection is gorgeous, I have never seen such large and colorful ones. AMAZING place to visit, definitely want to go there again!
Camera used: iPhone
Richmond, England
SO, what do you do when someone kicks you in your side and you injure some ribs AND you are far from home? Well, you pray you find a good Chiropractor! Luckily for me, I did and she was awesome. Just two visits and I am nearly back to normal, well, NEARLY…each day is a bit better than the previous!
Camera used: iPhone
Esher, England
I was so surprised how much nicer the weather is here in England, than I was expecting. It’s February and the flowers are in bloom. Crocuses are up as are the Daffodils. From what we were told, it is Winter here from December to January; Spring, February to June; Summer, July & August; Fall, September to November. So, if someone likes Spring, this is the place for them!
Camera used: iPhone