Salt Lake City, Utah
The Salt Lake Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Announced – July 28, 1847 ~ Dedicated – April 6, 1893
It was a windy day, but even so this photo turned out nicely.
Farmington Bay, Utah
Around Valentine’s Day, each year, I go to Farmington Bay where I photograph the migratory birds. I never know from year to year what I will see. In 2006 I was pleasantly surprised to see tons of Bald Eagles. This tree was covered, so fun! How many Bald Eagles can you see? Oh…HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!!
Durres, Albania
I thought for the next few days I’d show you some beautiful photos of Albania. We were privileged to go there in 2005 with our daughter who served an LDS Mission in Albania. What a wonderful experience it was as we meet the lovely people of Albania and felt her love for this ancient country!
As we flew from Rome, Italy to Tirana, Albania, I was trying to get the perfect photograph, when the pilot tipped our planes wing and I was looking right down on this farm! I was pleasantly surprised at what a wonderful time we had in Albania! The people are so warm and friendly!
Camera used: Canon 20D
Rome, Italy
When we arrived in Rome I soon found out that there are a lot of churches there. My attitude at first was that all churches are the same, so I would walk past them. After about a year of living in Rome, one day I didn’t walk past a particular church, but rather, I walked inside and I was amazed at the beauty I saw. I soon found that every church is different inside and from then on I always went inside a church to enjoy the wonder and beauty of it! This church I visited many times over the years and I took this photo of a column and the ceiling in 2005. Santa Maria sopra Minerva was built on top of the foundations of a temple dedicated to the Greco-Roman goddess Minerva, thus sopra Minerva (above Minerva). I still remember the first time I walked inside this church, I was in awe at the beauty of the ceiling!