Sky Tower

+NZA5a-1207.IMG_5192).80+Auckland, New Zealand

My mom was born in Auckland, New Zealand, so I love going there and thinking of her.  In 2007 we had a wonderful trip to New Zealand and we went up in the Sky Tower.  I am not one that likes heights, so I was very nervous, but the view was amazing!  The Sky Tower was completed in 1997.

The Pohutukawa tree, in the foreground, is a native New Zealand tree, also called the Christmas tree because it blooms just before Christmas and until mid-January.


Treaty of Waitangi

Waitangi, New Zealand

We had a wonderful time at Waitangi where we saw a re-enactment of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi and learned the history of it.  It is a beautiful setting and we felt a peaceful spirit there.

Camera used:  Canon 20D


Hot Air Balloons

Timber Lakes, Utah

In 2007, while staying at our cabin, I walked out on our deck and looking way down into the Heber Valley, I could see a Hot Air Balloon flying by.  Can you see it?  That is Mount Timpanogos in the background.


Meat and Cheese

Brienz, Switzerland

In Switzerland, some years ago, we drove way up on a mountain and the view was gorgeous.  We hadn’t eaten for a while, so we found a fun place to eat and we loved the platter of meat and cheese they brought us.  This is called Walliser Platte which is a typical Swiss lunch.

Camera used:  Canon 20D


Farfalla Bianca

BF2b-0607.(IMG_1773)80.+ copyCamerate Nuova, Italy

While out walking with friends thru the mountains northeast of Rome, back in 2007, we came across this beautiful Butterfly (Farfalla).


La Farfalla di Rosa

bf1d-0607-img_1863-60Camerata Nuova, Italy

We went up into the mountains north of Rome with some friends and there, in 2007, we had a wonderful time at our friend’s cabin, Enrico & Letizia.  At one point we all went for a walk, it was gorgeous!  Amongst the trees were these beautiful butterflies, tiny and very small.  My friend Rosa, put one on her hand, so I call this one, La Farfalla di Rosa (Rosa’s Butterfly).


Church in the Valley

au1bcde-0607-img_8354St. Jodok, Austria

In 2007 we flew to Munich, Germany and from there we took a train to Italy where we picked up our rental car and then we drove back to Germany where we did a loop ending back in Italy.  It was cheaper to do it this way so we could drop off our car back in Italy.  The train ride was so peaceful and the views were beautiful as we went thru the mountains!


Bald Eagle

Farmington Bay, Utah

My friend, Pam & I went out to Farmington Bay, back in 2007.  We saw lots of Bald Eagles that day.  As we were crossing a bridge, all of a sudden, there were a bunch of Bald Eagles who flew out from under it.  This Eagle fell into the water, as it was hit by some of the other Eagles, in their panic.  It swam, using it’s wings like arms, to the side and after a little while it took off, with water dripping off of it.  It was fascinating to watch!

Photo taken with my Canon 20D camera.

George Washington Bridge – 1931

bs1b-1006-img_2579-washingtonbridge-60New York City, New York

We were in New York City in 2006 visiting family and while we were there we went on a cruise around New York City, on the Hudson River.  It was a beautiful day as we passed under the George Washington Bridge and looked at the city.


Looks Like A Model


Salt Lake City, Utah

The Salt Lake Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints                                                 Announced – July 28, 1847    ~    Dedicated – April 6, 1893

This photo was taken from the Church Office Building.  Don’t  you think it looks like a model?


The St. George Utah Temple


St. George, Utah

St. George Utah Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Dedicated April 6, 1877    ~    Rededicated November 11, 1975


Antelope Island

UUAI1c-0806.(IMG_8683)80Layton, Utah

We drove out to Antelope Island and as we were driving across the causeway, I stopped to take this photo of Antelope Island with it’s reflection in the Great Salt Lake.


Road Thru Canyon

UUZN1c-0806.(IMG_8526).80+Zion National Park, Utah

Back in 2006 we had a friend visiting us from Italy so we took her to some of our Utah sites.  Zion National Park was one of these, where we took a driving trip thru it and saw some beautiful scenery.  It was nice for us to see some of our own state.  We LOVED it and so did Stefania!


Manti Utah Temple


Manti, Utah

The Manti Utah Temple, of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was dedicated on May 21, 1888. It beautifully sites atop a hill in the small, quaint city of Manti, Utah.

The Leaning Tower of Pisa


Pisa, Italy

I LOVE taking photos of bikes, there has to be a GREAT background, of course! And this one, back in 2006, was perfect!

Camera used: Canon 20D




Golden Spike National Historic Site

Promontory Point, Utah

When we have company from afar, we take them to Golden Spike National Historic Site at Promontory Point.  In 2006, we took our visitors to see the re-enactment of the driving of the ‘Golden Spike’ which allowed the Jupiter (Central Pacific Railroad) and 119 (Union Pacific Railroad) to come together.  This occurred on May 10, 1869 and changed our nation.


Close-up With Tulips


Salt Lake City, Utah

The Salt Lake Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints                                                 Announced – July 28, 1847    ~    Dedicated – April 6, 1893

This was taken close-up with beautiful tulips and flowers in front of the Salt Lake Temple.


Beautiful Flowers


Salt Lake City, Utah

The Salt Lake Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints                                                 Announced – July 28, 1847    ~    Dedicated – April 6, 1893

I had to practically sit on the ground to get this photograph of the Salt Lake Temple with beautiful flowers in front of it.
