Relaxing at Downton


Newbury, England

It was pouring heavily as I walked around Downton Abbey (Highclere Castle) gardens, so I could only RELAX where I found a ‘dry’ spot. If you look closely my shoes (feet) are soaked!

May 2016

Photo taken with an iPhone 5s



Newbury, England

The gardens at Downton Abbey (Highclere Castle) are beautiful!  Because of the rain I wasn’t able to take as much time as I would have liked, but I enjoyed it!


Taken with an iPhone 5s

Downton Abbey (Highclere Castle)

+ENNB1b-0516.(IMG_3870).80Newbury, England

On a very rainy day we went out to Highclere Castle. It is only open a few days a month and it was all sold out for 2016. I called the day before to see if we could at least get into the gardens and the lady said we could and it was likely we might be able to get into the castle. So, off we went! Once there, we were able to get tickets for the garden and the castle! Because of the rain there weren’t a lot of people outside, they were all inside, yes, it was wall to wall people. It was interesting going thru, things were different than I expected. For example; the entryway was much smaller than I thought it would be and the stairway is around the corner from the front door, rather than being in a large entryway facing the front door, as I had imagined. After our walking tour Craig & Chelsea went and waited in the car while I went through the gardens in the rain. I wore my trusty poncho, which saved me! The rain got worse as I walked around and when I got back towards the front of the castle I took this photo from under a tree which was protecting me from the rain. At one point I could hear something and I thought there must be a waterfall or fountain on the other side of some near by bushes and then all of a sudden the sound intensified and I heard it come, an even heavier rain storm came into the current rain storm. The rain came down so hard that it came thru the huge tree I was standing under so at that point, with wet shoes, (feet) I decided it was quitting time! It rained all the way back, that was the hardest rain storm I have ever seen! As a Downton Abbey fan, it was worth it, I can now say I have been to Downton Abbey!!


Black Eagle


Warwick, England

At Warwick Castle they had a very cool bird show! Amazingly some of the birds soared right above our heads!

May 2016

Photo taken with a Canon 50D

Bald Eagle


Warwick, England

At Warwick Castle they had a very cool bird show! Amazingly some of the birds soared right above our heads!

May 2016

Photo taken with a Canon 50D

Watching the Peasants


Warwick , England

What a fun time we had going back into time, Medieval Times! This was a perfect place to RELAX and watch the peasants!

May 2016

Photo taken with an iPhone 5s

Warwick Castle

Warwick, England

We had a fun day at Warwick Castle! It is a medieval castle built originally by William the Conqueror in 1068 and has changed a lot thru the years due to wars and fires. It sits on the River Avon and has activities for young and old. This day I went into my first ‘Castle Dungeon’. As we went in there was a sign that said, ‘intended to scare’! I have never gone into those types of things before, but I did and I SURVIVED! Chelsea was braver than I!

May 2016

Photo take with a Canon 50D

Red Roses


Stratford Upon Avon, England

The cottage of Anne Hathaway, William Shakespeare’s wife, is beautiful with flowers and plants all around. It has one of the loveliest gardens and is always worth a visit when passing by!

May 2016

Photo taken with a Canon 50D

River Avon

Stratford Upon Avon, England

Here on the River I found a spot to put my feet up and RELAX as a pigeon passed by.  In the distance is a statue of William Shakespeare, this is where he was born, raised and died (1564-1616).

May 2016

Photo taken with an iPhone 5s

Home of William Shakespeare


Stratford Upon Avon, England

The River Avon majestically flows through Stratford Upon Avon which is a beautiful, quaint village where William Shakespeare was born, raised and died (1564-1616). He is remembered throughout the city. He was buried in Holy Trinity Church, whose spire you can see in the distance of this photo.

May 2016

Photo taken with a Canon 50D

Arlington Row


Bibury, England

Bibury has it’s own unique & beautiful charm, AND, everyone else thought so, too! My advice; don’t go on a holiday! But, it is a must see and a great place to RELAX even with all the people!

May 2016

Photo taken with an iPhone 5s

The Cotswolds


Bibury, England

On our way back from Wales we had to go to Bibury, as William Morris (1834-1896) said; “the most beautiful village in England”. It has it’s own unique & beautiful charm! AND, everyone else thinks the same because there were bus loads of people there, so my advice, don’t go on a holiday! But, it is a must see! It was not easy getting this photo people free!

May 2016

Photo taken with an iPhone 5s

Wales to England


Caldicot, Wales to Sudbrook, England

We crossed over a very cool bridge as we left Wales and went back to England.  It was pretty RELAXING because I wasn’t driving!

May 2016

Taken with an iPhone 5s

The Water Pump


Saint Lythans, Cardiff, Wales

We found another church that Craig’s family would have been associated with back in the 1700’s. And just outside I saw this water pump and thought it would be a great place to RELAX, so I did!

May 2016

Photo taken with an iPhone 5s

Arched Beauty

IMG_3347 Saint George’s, Cardiff, Wales

Our GPS did something interesting and something we really liked, it took us out into the country.  The streets were tiny, luckily there weren’t to many other cars on the roads.  There were high hedges, so we couldn’t see a lot, but once in a while things would open up and we’d see some beautiful vistas.  This is one of those, we had to stop so I could take this photo of this arch with two horses passing by.

May 2016

Photo taken with an iPhone 5s

Thatched Roof & Pasture

IMG_3742Saint George’s, Cardiff, Wales

We drove all thru the countryside on a two lane road with only room for one car, luckily no other cars came by. There were tall hedges on both sides so we couldn’t see much, but every once in a while something opened up. As we were driving, we turned a corner and we saw this, I had to take a photo of this beautiful green pasture and the white house with it’s thatched roof! Love it!

May 2016

Photo taken with a Canon 50D



Wales Countryside

Because it rains so much, the flowers throughout England and Wales are beautiful!  I really wanted a photo with wisteria growing over a house and I got this one as we drove thru one of the little villages.  I had seen a similar house with wisteria in a previous village, so I was ready as we drove by, one of my drive past shootings!

May 2016

Photo taken with a Canon 50D

Looking to the Sea


Swansea, Wales

We drove out to the sea and here I RELAXED on top of a hill and looked out over Swansea, a beautiful, quaint seaside village.

May 2016

Photo taken with an iPhone 5s

Oystermouth Castle


Swansea, Wales

We went to Swansea where I took photos of a church where some of Craig’s family frequented. There was a sweet elderly lady there who gave us all kinds of information about the church. I had seen a castle not far from the church and I asked her if it would be worth walking to and taking photos of it. She said no because there was very little of it remaining, but she told us to go to Oystermouth Castle and so we did. It sat on a beautiful hill over looking Swansea and there, on the top, I RELAXED at the castle!

May 2016

Photo taken with a iPhone 5s

Coastal Beauty

IMG_3593Swansea, Wales

We spent the day driving around Wales, going to little villages where Craig’s family came from. In each village I took photos of it, particularly the churches where family members were christened or married. Swansea was one of these little places, beautiful and quaint sitting on the sea.

May 2016

Photo taken with an iPhone 5s