

Afton, Wyoming

The Star Valley Wyoming Temple grounds are beautiful and covered with a large variety of flowers.  Daisies are some of my favorite flowers!

Photos taken with my Canon 50D camera.

String Lake

Grand Teton National Park; Moran, Wyoming

String Lake and Jenny Lake are both gorgeous!  I took photos of them and walked along the water.  The mountains are breath taking!  The beauty is unbelievable, with the gorgeous pines and majestic Grand Tetons!

Camera used: iPhone




Echo Reservoir, Utah

We saw some fun waterskiing as we drove past Echo Reservoir on our way to Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

Photo taken with my Canon 50D camera.

Leaving the Water

Near Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

We were driving along when someone in our car spotted him, a moose.  We saw him in the water, there he ate, had a drink and then left the water.

Camera used:  Canon 50D


Jenny Lake

Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming

The scenery, view, lake, everything was beautiful!

Camera used:  iPhone

Floating; Great Salt Lake


Antelope Island, Utah

Our friends LOVED floating on The Great Salt Lake and I think this photo says it all! FUN TIMES!

Photo taken with my Fuji XP underwater camera.

Fremont Island


The Great Salt Lake, Utah

We took some friends out to Antelope Island to float in the Great Salt Lake and we had a really fun time!  As we were leaving via the causeway, we could see Fremont Island in the distance with it’s reflection.  I had to stop and take this photo!

Photo was taken with my iPhone 5s.

Wild Flowers

Jackson, Wyoming

I sat for a while and enjoyed my surroundings of beautiful wild flowers that grow along Flat Creek.

Camera used: Canon G16

A Mouse

IMG_1628aJackson, Wyoming

It was late and as I was going to bed when I heard some noise in the living room.  I went out there to find my husband trying to catch a mouse.  The mouse, of course, disappeared behind a wall.  He moved furniture around to keep it away from our bedroom, for the night, at least.  I had to put my feet up and RELAX, as much as I could, I suppose, with a MOUSE IN THE HOUSE!  Good news, we caught it a few days later!

Photo taken with my iPhone 5s.



Jackson, Wyoming

To me this photo shows Jackson as it is with it’s beautiful flowers and the Western look it has.  I LOVE Jackson!

Photo taken with my Canon 50D camera.

Flat Creek

IMG_1633aJackson, Wyoming

One morning I went for a walk. I saw a dead end street and decided to go down it and I was pleasantly surprised to find this beautiful creek. There was a chair waiting for me, so I sat and rested for a while and of course, took photos as I did so.

Photo taken with my Canon G16 camera.

Grand Tetons

Near Alta, Wyoming

We went golfing in Alta, Wyoming and had a beautiful view of The Grand Tetons, along the way!

Canon 50D

Along the Creek

Jackson, Wyoming

I loved these wild flowers that were sitting along Flat Creek.  It is a small area, but so picturesque!

Photo taken with my Canon G16 camera.


IMG_1435Antelope Island, Utah

This was the perfect place for me to put my feet up and RELAX as I was floating on The Great Salt Lake with Seagulls, it was so fun!!

Photo taken with my Fuji XP underwater camera.



Jackson, Wyoming

The flowers around Jackson were gorgeous!  Here are some more that I saw.

Photo taken with my Canon 50D camera.

Bear Fun

IMG_1575Jackson, Wyoming

I loved this raft full of bears, an advertisement for a rafting company. I sent this photo to a grandson to show him what fun things I saw in Jackson.

Photo taken with my Canon 50D camera.

Ski Runs

IMG_1588aJackson, Wyoming

Wherever you walk, around Jackson, you can see the ski runs on the mountain.  As I look at them it makes me wonderful what Jackson must be like in the winter; lots of snow, very cold, but so much fun!

Photo taken with my Canon 50D camera.

Thru a Fence


Jackson Hole, Wyoming

As I went on my morning walk, here in Jackson Hole, I could see the ski runs on the mountain. For the warmer weather there are tennis courts, river rafting and much more.  I thought this photos was kinda cool looking thru a fence at the ski runs on the mountain.

Photo taken with my Canon 50d camera.

Hanging Flowers


Jackson Hole, Wyoming

There were beautiful flowers all over Jackson Hole, hanging from buildings, in pots, here there and everywhere and they were so pretty!

Photo taken with my Canon 50D camera.

Fossil Lake

IMG_1507aKemmerer, Wyoming

We went to Fossil Butte National Monument which sits on Fossil Lake and it is amazing!  Over 100 years of intensive collecting has revealed a wide diversity of fossil fish, reptiles, birds, mammals, insects, and plants.  Just outside of the museum was the perfect place for me to put my feet up and RELAX!

Photo taken with my iPhone 5s camera.