Peeking Thru

IMG_0044bRiviera Maya, Mexico

As we watched this Jaguar, he went into a pool of water and was blocked by the trees and plants.  I walked around until I could see him thru them and took this shot!

Photo taken with my Canon 50D camera.

In the Shadows

IMG_0038Riviera Maya, Mexico

There is an area in Xcaret where you can stand and look across at Jaguars.  It was awesome watching this cat, he seemed to enjoy watching me, too!

Photo taken with my Canon 50D camera.


Yellow-Breasted Chat

IMG_0033aRiviera Maya, Mexico

As we walked thru Xcaret, a wonderful park, we saw some beautiful birds.  This little guy was chirping away, isn’t he gorgeous?

Photo taken with my Canon 50D camera.

Cowboy and Lasso

Xcaret, Mexico

While at Xcaret, we went to a horse show.  It was amazing!  This cowboy was awesome with his lasso!

Photo taken with my Canon 50D camera.


Baby Turtles


Cancun, Mexico

As I went for my morning walk I noticed a fenced off area, so I went over to see what was on the other side.  There I saw these little guys, baby Sea Turtles!

In the morning they collect the turtle eggs from the beach and then they put them back into the sand within the fence.  They place a sign on top of the mound of sand with the date they were found.  After 2 months they dig them up and then at night they put them back into the sea.  One of the great predators of Sea Turtles are Seagulls, who eat the baby Sea Turtles as they go to the sea.  I saw a number of fenced off areas as I walked along the beach, I think this is awesome!

Photo taken with my Canon 50D camera.


Black Spiny Tailed Iguana


Riviera Maya, Mexico

One thing that you see a lot of in this part of Mexico, are Iguana’s.  There are many varieties, some with pretty colors and others that just blend into their surroundings.  They seem pretty harmless, though I wouldn’t get too close!

Photo taken with my Canon 50D camera.


IMG_1728Cancun, Mexico

Out on the beach there are a lot of birds to see.  As I walked along I saw this Seagull coming towards me, as it got closer, it started turning it’s head to watch me.  I waved and said HOLA!

Photo taken with my Canon 50D camera.

Passing Me


Xcaret, Mexico

There is a dolphin area at Xcaret.  It was wonderful watching the dolphins play and race by me!

Photo taken with my Canon 50D camera.


Mexican Cowboy

Xcaret, Mexico

I was amazed at the talent of these Mexican Cowboys we watched!  To ride a horse while swinging their lasso and not tripping the horse, was awesome!

Photo taken with my Canon 50D camera.



Cancun, Mexico

I first learned about Frigatebirds on a trip to Hawaii.  My dad knew all about birds, and he taught me some interesting facts about the Frigatebird.  While in Mexico I saw a lot of them.  They are a family of seabirds which are found across all tropical and subtropical oceans.  All have black feathers, long, deeply forked tails and long hooked bills.  Their wings are long and pointed and can span up to 7 1/2 feet, the largest wing area to body weight ratio of any bird.

Photo taken with my Canon 50D camera.

Lots of Pizza


Salt Lake City, Utah

We ended up making over 70 pizza’s, they were all so good, BUONISIMO!!

Photo taken with my iPhone 5s.

Pizza Oven


Salt Lake City, Utah

One thousand degrees and our oven was ready to cook our pizza, then only a few minutes and it was done!

Photo taken with my iPhone 5s.

Yummy Pizza

IMG_1591Salt Lake City, Utah

We had a long day of cooking pizza in our pizza oven.  This is one of the 73 yummy pizza’s we made and then we ENJOYED!!

Photo taken with my iPhone 5s.

Pizza Toppings


Salt Lake City, Utah

We had a lot of friends over for pizza.  Toppings are ready, now on to cooking the pizza in our pizza oven, yummy!

Photo taken with my iPhone 5s.

Salmon-Crested Cockatoo

Lihue, Kauai, Hawaii

We walked thru the Marriott, here in Lihue, and there was this beautiful Cockatoo.  It talked to people, saying ‘Pretty Bird’ and other things, but the funnest was when it said, ‘ALOHA’!

Photo taken with my Canon G16 camera.



Snake River, Wyoming

While on a rode trip we stopped to stretch and from above we watched rafters speeding by.  It was awesome, kinda wish I was with them on their journey!

Photo taken with my Canon 5D camera.



Salt Lake City, Utah

Last November someone stepped on my toe and since then it hasn’t been growing right.  So, I went to the Podiatrist to find out what can be done.  Sadly, not a lot, but for now, he is checking for a fungal infection under the nail.  Now, I have a bandage on my left big toe until it is all better!

Photo taken with my iPhone 5s.

River Fun

IMG_1525aAlpine, Wyoming

As we drove past the Snake River we saw a lot of river fun going on there.  It was a hot day, so it really looked enjoyable!

Photo taken with my Canon 50D camera.



Salt Lake City, Utah

We had a pizza party at our home and made pizza in our pizza oven.  They were all so good, delicious!

Photo taken with my iPhone 5s.