Salt Lake Temple & Blossoms


Salt Lake City, Utah

The Salt Lake Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints                                                               Announced – July 28, 1847    ~    Dedicated – April 6, 1893

As I toured Temple Square with my cousin and her husband, I was looking around for a nice place to take a photo of the temple with the beautiful blossoms that were all around.  This was the perfect spot!

The Beautiful Tabernacle


Salt Lake City, Utah (Home of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir) – 2016 – iPhone

The TABERNACLE was built between 1864 and 1867.  It has a seating capacity of 8,000.  It was built as a gathering place for the Saints.  It is a beautiful, inspiring building!  It’s acoustics are amazing! Notice the marble column on the right of this photo, it is actually a wooden column that was painted to look like marble.

Salt Lake City Tabernacle


Salt Lake City, Utah (Home of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir) – 2016 – iPhone

It was a wonderful day, touring Temple Square with my cousin, Raewyn and her husband, Mike, who were visiting from New Zealand!  The TABERNACLE was awe inspiring as we thought of the early Mormon saints who built it!  It’s acoustics are awesome!

Waiting for Dinner


Malibu, California

While we were waiting for our delicious dinner to come at Moonshadows Restaurant, Craig and our friends Milt & Pam Taylor, encouraged me to RELAX, so I did!

March 2016

Photo taken with an iPhone 5s

California Traffic


Anaheim Hills, California – 2016 – iPhone

Six miles an hour, but GREAT bonding time! We were on our way to visit friends and the traffic was bad, so I took this photo to show them how bad the traffic really was!