Crystallized Water

uusl50bcbest8-0117-img_0821-80Salt Lake City, Utah

This morning I looked out the window as the sun was rising and I saw beautiful crystals on my window, frozen water.  Isn’t this one cool?


Snowy Night

uusl49b-0117-img_577680Salt Lake City, Utah

We went out the other evening and the snow started coming down and it didn’t stop until morning!  Not too many people were out in the bitter cold, but we were bundled up and we had a fun time!



fw1c-0705-slc-ut80-copySalt Lake City, Utah

Fireworks are fun to take photos of and a nice challenge! I hope you have a WONDERFUL New Year’s Celebration! HAPPY NEW YEAR and may 2017 be a GREAT year for you!


Sleepy Companions


Los Angeles, California

Vacation(s) coming to an end, time to go home and get caught up!  Traveling with sleepy companions!

Disneyland Does Good


Anaheim, California 

 We had settled down for the night in our hotel and heard the fireworks begin, so I ran out and was able to get a few good photos. Disneyland always does such a good show!!

Fireworks or Night Sky


Anaheim, California

It’s always fun taking photos of fireworks as well as the night sky and with this photo I’ll ask, is it fireworks or the night sky?



Poipu, Kauai, Hawaii

After a nice swim, I laid on the lounge chair and looked up thru the Palm Trees and thought what a great photo that would be, so I took one!  The rainbow and colors are fun with the sun coming thru the palms!


img_0426Los Angeles, California

On our way to Kauai, Hawaii, we landed at LAX. Freeways are always busy there, but today they are beautiful as we land. I yelled out HI to our daughter, Ashley and her husband, Michael!

Preparing for our Next Trip

img_0454-60North Salt Lake, Utah

I went and got my nails done as I was preparing for our next trip. I told Young, who has done my nails for a long time, to smile, so I could take a photo of my feet with her in it, she follows me on Instagram so she knew what that meant and she moved out of the photo, I told her no, I want you in it, so I got this photo of my feet with Young in it, as she giggled! This was the perfect place for me to RELAX!!



Promontory Point, Utah

Central Pacific’s locomotive Juniper re-enacts the completion of the first Transcontinental Railroad as it approaches the Union Pacific Railroad’s locomotive No. 119. This happened on May 10, 1869 in Promontory, Utah Territory.

Golden Spike


Promontory Point, Utah

On May 10, 1869 the Union Pacific Railroad and the Central Pacific Railroad came together at Promontory Point in what was the Utah Territory and changed the future of our nation. In this photo the Union Pacific’s locomotive No. 119 is coming towards the Central Pacific’s locomotive Juniper, re-enacting the completion of the first Transcontinental Railroad.

Mount Rainier


Mount Rainier National Park, Pierce County, Washington

As we flew home from Hawaii we had a layover in Seattle, it was a quick one, and before we knew it we were on our flight home. As we left Seattle our pilot did something just for me, or at least that’s what I like to think. We were heading south when he turned left and took us right along side Mt. Rainier, what a gorgeous view of this active stratovolcano located 54 miles southeast of Seattle.

Happy 4th of July


Salt Lake City, Utah

Our grandkiddies were having so much fun in the pool, I decided it was time to put my feet up and RELAX! (Notice my patriotic nails?)

Photo taken with an iPhone 5s

Hale Center Theater


West Valley City, Utah

We had a wonderful evening with friends at Hale Center Theater!  We saw BIG RIVER, it was so good, with an actual river and rain!  I had to put my feet up and RELAX before it started!

Photo taken with an iPhone 5s

The Golden Gate Bridge at Sunset


San Francisco, California – 2009 – Canon 20D

We were crossing the Golden Gate Bridge as the sun was setting and I saw some bicyclists ahead of us, so I start shooting, I got this photo which I have always loved!

Kennecott Copper Mine


Bingham Canyon, Utah – 2016 – Canon G16

I was hoping to get a photo of the Salt Lake Valley, but I was on the wrong side of the plane.  I did get this good shot, though!