At Sunset


Bountiful, Utah

The Bountiful Utah Temple    ~    Dedicated January 8, 1995


Looking Up

TESL52b-1102 (B-43)

Salt Lake City, Utah

The Salt Lake Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints                                                 Announced – July 28, 1847    ~    Dedicated – April 6, 1893

The day my dad and my step-mother were married, I took this photo looking up at the Angel Moroni, who sits atop the Salt Lake Temple.


Golden Gate Bridge

UCASF3c-0702 Golden Gate Bridge60a (B-17)San Francisco, California

The Bay Area has always been a fun area for us to visit.  Now that Craig’s parents have passed away, we don’t go there as often as we use to.  On this trip to California in 2002 we drove across the Golden Gate (a strait connecting the San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean) via the Golden Gate Bridge.
