Palms Reaching high

Orlando, Florida

I have always LOVED Palm Trees as they reach high to the sky!

Camera used:  iPhone



IMG_1457aOrlando, Florida

WOW, it was beautiful as we landed on our trip last April!  Florida is beautiful from the air.

Photo taken with my Canon 50D camera.

Bowling Green


Mount Vernon, Virginia

There was a little mound on what is called the Bowling Green in front of Mount Vernon, it was the perfect place for me to sit and RELAX, taking in everything I had seen and felt!




Mount Vernon, Virginia

I love the gardens at Mount Vernon and I love butterflies, so it was a perfect day of both!


img_7992Mount Vernon, Virginia

Harvest time is close with these Sunflowers full of sunflower seeds.  I love the color and look of sunflowers!  Did you know that Sunflowers follow the sun?  Their petals are designed to absorb as much sun as possible and they swivel to reach the best sunlight.  In Italy they are called Girasole which literally means turn the sun, meaning they turn and follow the sun.  FUN!!

Potomac River

img_0140abMount Vernon, Virginia

What a view, Mount Vernon and the Potomac River, perfect place to sit and RELAX!

Washington Estate


Mount Vernon, Virginia

It was a hot day of over 90 degrees with high humidity, so I needed to sit and RELAX and this was the perfect spot where sunrays were coming thru the trees.

Tomb of Washington

img_7982Mount Vernon, Virginia

The grounds at Mount Vernon are very peaceful, I found they were a wonderful place to sit and RELAX and take it all in!

George & Martha Washington


Mount Vernon, Virginia

Above the tomb of George & Martha Washington are these words: ‘Within this Enclosure Rest the remains of Gen. George Washington’. Behind the gate are two marble sarcophagi, one inscribed ‘Washington’, the other ‘Martha, Consort of Washington’.

Home of George & Martha

img_0104-70Mount Vernon, Virginia

Mount Vernon was the home of George & Martha Washington.  President Washington lived there until his death in 1799.   During his days as General, Martha would spend time with her husband during the winters, the months when there was no fighting because of the harsh winters and then she would return to Mount Vernon.  She lived at Mount Vernon until her death in 1802.

Mount Vernon

img_7978Mount Vernon, Virginia

George Washington inherited Mount Vernon in 1754 and it became a refuge for him during the wars he battled and throughout his Presidency.  I find a beautiful spirit of peace whenever I walk thru the estate so, once again I walked his walk ways, gardens and fields, feeling the past so near yet so far away.

Colonial Williamsburg

+UVICW9b-0508.(IMG_4046)80Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia

I went with my son and his family to Colonial Williamsburg.  It was wonderful and like stepping back into the 1700’s.  This is where Patrick Henry lived and later Thomas Jefferson when he was the Governor of Virginia.


Mount Vernon

+UVIMV3g-0408.(IMG_1936)80Near Alexandria, Virginia

On a trip out east in 2008, we went to Mount Vernon, one of my favorite places!  I LOVE walking around their grounds and taking photos.  It is here that President George Washington and his wife Martha lived.


Beluga Whales

+FIBW1d-1205.(165).+80Atlanta, Georgia

We spent the day at the Atlanta Aquarium back in 2005 and it was wonderful! The Atlanta Aquarium was the largest aquarium in the world until 2012. I loved taking photos of these Beluga Whales!
