Waimea Canyon, Kauai, Hawaii
Waipoo Waterfall was just as majestic as ever! Flowing thru a canyon that is referred to as the Grand Canyon of the Pacific, Waipoo Falls thrills all who see it!
Photo taken with my Canon 50D camera.
Waimea, Kauai, Hawaii
I was so surprised when I found out that one of my cousin’s was on Oahu, (she lives in New Zealand so I don’t get to see her very often) and even more surprised when she and her husband came to Kauai for a day. We took them everywhere we could in a day. At the top of Waimea Canyon you never know what the view will be like. Most of the time we just look out at clouds. This day, for them, the clouds were minimal and allowed us to look down at the ocean and see the beautiful Nã Pali Coast from above. It was awesome!
Photo taken with my GoPro HERO5 Black camera.
Hanalei, Kauai, Hawaii
Each time we drive to Haena we drive thru the beautiful town of Hanalei. There is a lovely beach there and breath taking mountains with gorgeous waterfalls, particularly after rain. This day there were many waterfalls, because of all the rain we have had. Someone said, ‘it looks like the waterfall is coming out of the sky’. There are three waterfalls in this photo, can you see them?
Photo taken with my Canon 50D camera.
Hanalei, Kauai, Hawaii
Each time we drive to Haena we drive thru the quaint town of Hanalei. There we see waterfalls on the mountains and gorgeous beaches. There is a beautiful church there that we pass each time and I have for years wanted to stop and take a photo of it. But, it seems we are always rushing to get back to PiuPu before it gets too dark. This day was the same, so I took this photo from the car. Waiʻoli Huiʻia Church was built in 1912 by the descendants of the first missionaries to Kauaʻi, Abner and Lucy Wilcox, who arrived in 1836 from Boston, Massachusetts.
Canon 50D
Koloa, Kauai, Hawaii
Well, when it rains in Hawaii, it really rains! We could hardly see out the windshield as we drove along. The wipers helped for a second, HA! HA! The wettest spot on earth is in the middle of Kauai, thus all the rain. The nice thing is that it isn’t a cold rain but a warm one!
Photo taken with my GoPro HERO5 Black camera.
Kapaa, Kauai, Hawaii
We went to Kapaa and ate at Sam’s Ocean View. We had a beautiful view of the ocean, but it didn’t last long as the sun went down, so this photo was taken in the dark and I was able to work with it to bring out everything. Did you know that a dark photo can be worked with so whatever is in the photo can be brought out? It can and this is an example of that!
Photo taken with my iPhone 5s.
Lihue, Hawaii
They grow things big in Hawaii, look at this Sea Snail. Sea Snail is a common name for snails that normally live in saltwater, they are marine gastropods with shells. Some of these are edible, oh yummy! I am so glad I didn’t accidentally step on it!
Photo taken with my Canon 50D camera.
Kauai, Hawaii
I didn’t expect to spend my first night in Kauai, in the Emergency Room of the hospital! That’s what happens when you fall on a treadmill and get thrown into an elliptical! OUCH! This happened just hours before we left for Hawaii! Made it though, but by the evening there was lots of pain, so I got checked out!. Nothing too serious, a broken rib which will heal in time. What a place to recuperate in! LOVING HAWAII!
Photo taken with my iPhone 5s.