Na Pali Coast


Haena State Park, Kauai, Hawaii

We went for a walk out on the beach and on the way back I saw this beautiful view of the Na Pali Coast, I couldn’t resist this photo!



Heber City, Utah

My friend, Pam, and I had seen swans floating on a pond for sometime. So, we decided to go and take photos of them. This one keep swimming past me and it seemed to be asking me to take a photo of it. So, I did! Love it!

Camera used: Canon G7


Flowers Around


Salt Lake City, Utah

The Salt Lake Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints                                                 Announced – July 28, 1847    ~    Dedicated – April 6, 1893

The Salt Lake Temple’s setting with flowers all around is beautiful!


Tint Of Green


Salt Lake City, Utah

The Salt Lake Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints                                                 Announced – July 28, 1847    ~    Dedicated – April 6, 1893

This photograph was taken from the Joseph Smith Memorial Building.  I turned it black and white and then put the green back in it.  It gave it a cool effect.


Trees Reaching to the Sky


Timber Lakes, Heber City, Utah

I love trees, they are so beautiful as they reach high to the sky!

Photo taken with my Canon G7 camera.


Colonial Williamsburg

+UVICW9b-0508.(IMG_4046)80Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia

I went with my son and his family to Colonial Williamsburg.  It was wonderful and like stepping back into the 1700’s.  This is where Patrick Henry lived and later Thomas Jefferson when he was the Governor of Virginia.


Lazy Panda Bear

+ANBPA2b-0408.(IMG_0918)80Washington D. C.

When we go to Washington D. C. we enjoying going to the Smithsonian Institute.  They have the largest museums in the world.  In 2008 we went to the Smithsonian Zoological Park where we saw this lazy Panda Bear.


Potomac River

SS38f-0408.(IMG_213880)Washington DC

On a trip to Washington in 2008, we walked along the Potomac River as the sun was setting.  It was beautiful with the Cherry Blossoms in bloom!


Mount Vernon

+UVIMV3g-0408.(IMG_1936)80Near Alexandria, Virginia

On a trip out east in 2008, we went to Mount Vernon, one of my favorite places!  I LOVE walking around their grounds and taking photos.  It is here that President George Washington and his wife Martha lived.


The Moon from 30,000 feet

Houston Texas to Salt Lake City, Utah

There was a gorgeous sunset as we flew from Houston, Texas to Salt Lake City, Utah back in 2008.  It is hard to believe that it was 10 years ago.  Lots has changed in the world since then, but the sky, beautiful as it is, remains the same.

Camera used:  Canon 20D


American Kestrel

brak1b-0208-img_807360Farmington Bay, Utah

Farmington Bay is a wonderful place to get some great photos of birds. This day there was this cute Kestrel waiting for me to snap a shot!


Hot Air Balloons

Timber Lakes, Utah

In 2007, while staying at our cabin, I walked out on our deck and looking way down into the Heber Valley, I could see a Hot Air Balloon flying by.  Can you see it?  That is Mount Timpanogos in the background.


Bald Eagle

Farmington Bay, Utah

My friend, Pam & I went out to Farmington Bay, back in 2007.  We saw lots of Bald Eagles that day.  As we were crossing a bridge, all of a sudden, there were a bunch of Bald Eagles who flew out from under it.  This Eagle fell into the water, as it was hit by some of the other Eagles, in their panic.  It swam, using it’s wings like arms, to the side and after a little while it took off, with water dripping off of it.  It was fascinating to watch!

Photo taken with my Canon 20D camera.

George Washington Bridge – 1931

bs1b-1006-img_2579-washingtonbridge-60New York City, New York

We were in New York City in 2006 visiting family and while we were there we went on a cruise around New York City, on the Hudson River.  It was a beautiful day as we passed under the George Washington Bridge and looked at the city.


Looks Like A Model


Salt Lake City, Utah

The Salt Lake Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints                                                 Announced – July 28, 1847    ~    Dedicated – April 6, 1893

This photo was taken from the Church Office Building.  Don’t  you think it looks like a model?


The St. George Utah Temple


St. George, Utah

St. George Utah Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Dedicated April 6, 1877    ~    Rededicated November 11, 1975


Antelope Island

UUAI1c-0806.(IMG_8683)80Layton, Utah

We drove out to Antelope Island and as we were driving across the causeway, I stopped to take this photo of Antelope Island with it’s reflection in the Great Salt Lake.
