As He Plays With His Drone


Poipu Beach, Kauai, Hawaii

Our friend, Milt Taylor, had told me about a sacred place down by the beach, so I went and found it.  I then thought it would be a good idea to put my feet up and RELAX!  Timing was perfect because right in front of me was a man playing with his drone.  He shot it out over the ocean and along the beach.  I don’t know what he was taking photos of, but unbeknownst to him, I was talking photos of him.  I waited until just the right time, as his drone returned to him and I got this photo.  It had started to rain, so he was finished and so was I!

Photo taken with an iPhone 5s

Relaxing in the Shade


Poipu, Kauai, Hawaii – 2016 – iPhone

Each morning we are in Hawaii I go for a walk, usually before anyone else is up, then I take time to RELAX & ENJOY the view!

California Traffic


Anaheim Hills, California – 2016 – iPhone

Six miles an hour, but GREAT bonding time! We were on our way to visit friends and the traffic was bad, so I took this photo to show them how bad the traffic really was!

Beautiful Monarch Butterfly

Allerton Gardens, Koloa, Kauai, Hawaii – 2012 – Canon 20D

After going on a tour of the Allerton Garden with my Step-Mother, Sonja, we walked through some beautiful flowers covered with butterflies.  Butterflies are so hard to take photos of because they rarely stop moving!  I was so pleased to get this photo!