In The Water


Ko Olina, Hawaii

I just sat in the water, it was so nice and cool, as I RELAXED!

Photo taken with an iPhone 5s


On The Lawn


Ko Olina, Oahu, Hawaii

I ❤️ My Walks!! And then I put my feet up and RELAX!

Photo taken with an iPhone 5s

Morning Walks


Ko Olina, Oahu, Hawaii

I love my morning walks that always end in a moment of RELAXING!

Photo taken with an iPhone 5s

Hawaiian Royalty


Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii

Across the street from the Royal Palace is a parking lot and above the doorway is this beautiful tile work of Hawaii long ago. It shows the King and Queen of Hawaii, the ocean, flowers and mountains of Hawaii, to name a few things. I ❤️ Hawaii!!

Photo taken with an iPhone 5s

King Kamehameha


Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii

Also known as Kamehameha the Great, King Kamehameha united the Hawaiian Islands. This beautiful statue stands across the street from the Royal Palace.

Photo taken with an iPhone 5s

Grand Stairway


Honolulu, Hawaii

The Iolani Palace is very impressive with it’s tall ceilings and large rooms. Here is where Hawaiian Royalty lived, the Kings and Queens of the past.

The entryway with it’s grand stairway was a perfect place to put my feet up and relax! And yes, even my flipflops had to be covered! ☺️

Photo taken with an iPhone 5s

Iolani Palace


Honolulu, Hawaii

In all the years that we have come here to Hawaii, we have never gone to the royal palace, so, we decided it was time to go.

It is a beautiful building that shows the grace and charm of the Hawaiian people.

I was amazed that for the 1800’s it was so modern. The Iolani Palace had electric lights before the White House and before Buckingham Palace, to me that is AMAZING! Way out here on the Hawaiian Islands they had electricity that early. The lights turned on for the first time at the Iolani Palace on July 21, 1886, wow! GO HAWAII!

Note: The flag is have mast because of the tragedy in Dallas, Texas last week!

Photo taken with an iPhone 5s

Yellow Hibiscus


Kapolei, Oahu, Hawaii

The flowers in Hawaii are beautiful and they are everywhere! Hibiscus come in reds, pinks, yellows & whites and maybe more!
I ❤️ this yellow one!

Photo taken with a Canon 50D

North Shore


Laie, Oahu, Hawaii

As we drove around Oahu I wanted a photo looking at these beautiful mountains. This was the perfect photo with the waves, beach and green mountains!

Photo taken with a Canon 50D

I Love Hawaiian Mountains


Laie, Oahu, Hawaii

I ❤️ Hawaiian Mountains with their deep crevices and the lush green that covers them!

Photo taken with a Canon 50D

Chinaman’s Hat


Kualoa, Oahu, Hawaii

It seems whenever we go to Oahu, we stop at Kualoa Regional Park so I can get a photo of Mokoliʻi, commonly known as Chinaman’s Hat. It is a pretty little island and on this sunny day the greenery on it really stands out!

Photo taken with a Canon 50D

Bird Of Paradise


Honolulu, Hawaii

We went for a ride up to the Punchbowl or the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific. It is so peaceful there, reverence to all those who gave their lives for our freedom!

There I saw these flowers, Bird of Paradise, which were one of my mom’s favorite flowers. They are so unique and their colors are gorgeous!

Photo taken with an iPhone 5s

Punchbowl Over Look


Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii

The Punchbowl or National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific has a beautiful over look of Honolulu! I put my feet up and RELAXED as I looked out at the Pacific Ocean!

Photo taken with an iPhone 5s

Diamond Head


Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii

Diamond Head stands out all around Honolulu. A few years back I climbed Diamond Head with my friends Marjorie and Marilyn Smyth. We took our time and it was a great hike. The killers were the step stairs straight up, but we made it! And I have a shirt that says, ‘I CLIMBED DIAMOND HEAD’!

Photo taken with a Canon 50D

Diamond Head Crater

IMG_1893Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii

We went to meet our friend Kay Klc Burgoyne and while we waited for her I wandered around and found the perfect place to RELAX, looking out at Diamond Head!

Photo taken with an iPhone 5s

‘My Lagoon’


Ko Olina, Kapolei, Oahu, Hawaii

I have mentioned ‘My Lagoon’ before, (also known on Check-Ins as The Secret Lagoon), somewhere I go every morning. So, here it is! My get away, where I plan my day and my life! We all need a place like this, a calm, peaceful, energizing place!

Photo taken with an iPhone 5s

Worth The Wait


Ko Olina, Oahu, Hawaii

The sun was setting so I walked out by the beach. There were lots of people there waiting for the perfect sunset. It didn’t come so everyone left, except for me and one other man, who remained looking out at the sky.

I have learned thru the years that there are many stages to a sunset and even though the sun maybe below the horizon beauty can still shine forth and this evening was a perfect example of that. It definitely was worth the wait!

Photo taken with a Canon 50D

Duke’s Waikiki


Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii

While we were waiting for our table I decided to put my feet up and RELAX! Yes, there is sand on my flipflops & feet, because we walked from Duke Kahanamoku’s statue to Duke’s Waikiki along the beach. There were lots of people on the beach and many were grabbing their towels and personal items as the waves came up, it was so fun!

I ❤️ the beach!!

Photo taken with an iPhone 5s

Duke Kahanamoku


Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii

A Pacini tradition is to go to Duke’s for a Hula Pie when we are on the island of Oahu and this trip is no different! ☺️ We arrived early so we decided to walk a short distance to Waikiki where a statue of Duke Kahanamoku is. Duke’s restaurant is named after him. Duke was a great swimmer and won 5 medals in the Olympic Games. He is credited at making the Hawaiian sport of surfing, popular. Duke was born in 1890 in the Kingdom of Hawaii and died in 1968 in Hawaii which was then a state in the USA.

Photo taken with an iPhone 5s

Amongst The Petals


Ko Olina, Oahu, Hawaii

As I went for my morning walk I noticed a bunch of flower petals on the ground. There wasn’t a tree nearby with these flowers on it, so I suspect there had been a wedding here, recently! What a perfect place to sit and RELAX!

Photo taken with an iPhone 5s