
IMG_1062Orlando, Florida

The Magnolia Trees were in bloom when we were in Florida and they were beautiful!


IMG_0972Orlando, Florida

Like Hawaii, there are beautiful flowers all over Florida, I saw lots of Hibiscus, there is something about them that seems regal and elegant!

Pleasant & Peaceful

IMG_2410.80Winter Garden, Florida

We spent a lovely Easter with our friends Jim and Beverly.  As we left their home we enjoyed the pleasant and peaceful feeling in their neighborhood, as we looked out at their fountain and yard!

Cattle Egret

IMG_2339Orlando, Florida

There are lots of birds in Florida and they are beautiful.  There are a lot of Cattle Egret’s, which are a species of herons.  There is something graceful about this bird, both in it’s walk and when it flies.

Bunny on Easter

IMG_3900.80Orlando, Florida

I got up on Easter morning and went for a walk, what a perfect Easter day to run into a bunny, he even stopped for a photo!

Lots of Golf

IMG_2414.80Orlando, Florida

There are a lot of Golf courses here in Florida, they are everywhere! I was walking along and having a wonderful time when I read a sign, Golfers ONLY, wow, I had to turn around and I was sad because the golfers got a good, closer-up view of nature. So, I stopped and took a photo of the flags and golf balls on the ground. By-the-way, do you know what GOLF stands for? Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden, that is how it started, it was a man’s sport.

Flying Over Farmlands

IMG_2279.80West Hibbard, Kansas

Yesterday was fun to see your thoughts on this photo.  We flew from Utah to Florida and the weather was beautiful and cloudless most of the way.  I could see the beautiful farmlands below.  I love this photograph of the various farmlands with their different colors that look like quilt patches!

Magnolia Tree

IMG_2314.80Orlando, Florida

The flowers here in Florida are beautiful!  There are Magnolia Trees everywhere and they are in bloom, so pretty!

Beautiful Snowy Mountains

IMG_1444aFlying over Wyoming

I love looking out the airplane window and seeing what is below.  These mountains are beautiful covered with snow.  Even though it was April, there still was snow.

Photo taken with a Canon 50D.

Utah to Florida


Landing; Orlando, Florida

We had a great trip across our country to Orlando. I love looking down at the cities and farmlands. As we landed in Orlando, I was surprised at all the lakes, it was so pretty. I was reminded of Bette Midler’s song, ‘From a Distance’.

From a distance the world looks blue and green

And the snow capped mountains white

From a distance the ocean meets the stream

And the eagle takes to flight

From a distance there is harmony

And it echoes through the land

It’s the voice of hope

It’s the voice of peace

It’s the voice of every man

From a distance we all have enough

And no one is in need

And there are no guns, no bombs and no disease

No hungry mouths to feed

From a distance we are instruments

Marching in a common band

Playing songs of hope

Playing songs of peace

They are the songs of every man

God is watching us

God is watching us

God is watching us from a distance

From a distance you look like my friend

Even though we are at war

From a distance I just cannot comprehend

What all this fightings for

From a distance there is harmony

And it echoes through the land

And it’s the hope of hopes

It’s the love of loves

It’s the heart of every man

It’s the hope of hopes

It’s the love of loves

This is the song for every man

God is watching us

God is watching us

God is watching us from a distance

God is watching us

God is watching

God is watching us from a distance

Palms Reaching high

Orlando, Florida

I have always LOVED Palm Trees as they reach high to the sky!

Camera used:  iPhone



IMG_1457aOrlando, Florida

WOW, it was beautiful as we landed on our trip last April!  Florida is beautiful from the air.

Photo taken with my Canon 50D camera.

The Lion King

+RX15c-0317.(IMG_1928)Salt Lake City, Utah

We went and saw The Lion King and it was absolutely awesome!  We saw it in London, England in 2004 and it was great then, but it seemed to be even better this time! I had to put my feet up and RELAX for a bit, before it began!!


Beauty & The Beast

+RX16bcd-0317.(IMG_1928).+Salt Lake City, Utah

I went with some of my grandchildren to see Beauty and the Beast and it was AWESOME! WOW, Disney did a GREAT Job! They loved the poster, so I thought I would put my feet up and RELAX & ENJOY!


Sliding to Me


Salt Lake City, Utah

It was so fun swimming with my grandson, this was the perfect place to see his excitement as I RELAXED with my feet up!


Swimming to Me


Salt Lake City, Utah

I went swimming with one of my grandsons and it was so fun as you can see by his cute face!  It was a great place to put my feet up and RELAX!


Friend’s Home

+RX11-0217.(IMG_0868)80North Salt Lake, Utah

We had a delicious Italian meal at our friend’s home, it was yummy, and then it was time to RELAX and ENJOY!  Notice my poor left big toe, the toe nail.  That is what happens when someone steps on your toe, you can lose your toe nail.  I might have to touch it up in photoshop!   :^)


Betta Fish

+FIB1b-0217.(IMG_0805)80Alpine, Utah

We had a delicious dinner at my sisters and I had fun taking photos of their fish, a Betta Fish or Japanese Fighting Fish.  This is Sharkbait-ooh-ha-ha, yes that is his name!


Granddaughter’s Tea Party

FODR2b-0217.(IMG_0718).80Ogden, Utah

We had so much fun at our granddaughter’s birthday Tea Party!  Then when she went to drink her ‘tea’ her cup was nearly as big as she was!  ENJOYING LIFE!!


Tea Party

IMG_0722abefgOgden, Utah

We went to our granddaughter’s birthday party and it was so fun, there were all these little 9 year old girls there for a TEA PARTY.  They were so cute, as they held up their saucer, the cup and their pinky fingers in the air as they drank their tea (herbal tea or hot chocolate)!  ENJOYING LIFE!
