George Washington Bridge – 1931

bs1b-1006-img_2579-washingtonbridge-60New York City, New York

We were in New York City in 2006 visiting family and while we were there we went on a cruise around New York City, on the Hudson River.  It was a beautiful day as we passed under the George Washington Bridge and looked at the city.



PA17f-1005.WashingtonDC(IMG_8823)aWashington DC

I am thinking of this wonderful country, today and the flag that symbolizes it’s struggles, successes and greatness!  I took this photograph in October of 2005 while on a trip to Washington DC.

Taken with a Canon 20D


Beautiful Carousels

ca1d-0703-binghamton-60Binghamton, New York

From 1919 – 1934 George F. Johnson, a shoe manufacturer, donated six beautiful carousels to the City of Binghamton. George felt carousels should be enjoyed by everyone and insisted that there would never be a charge for a magic ride. While on a trip, visiting our friends Grace and Charlie in 2003, they took use to these 6 carousels, where I had fun taking photographs of them.
