Red Lentil Restaurant

Craig, Chelsea and I went to a vegetarian/vegan restaurant tonight.


We got some different dishes so we could each try them.img_0307

We decided to try their Red Lentil Soup, because it’s the name of their restaurant, so we figured it must be good and it was, DELICIOUS!!  We got a bowl each.  Red lentils, organic seasonal vegetables, fresh herbs and spices.img_0312We then got this dinner salad, which was really big, it was perfect to share it with the 3 of us and very yummy.img_0314Rustic Paella; Orzo pasta, green peas, cauliflower florets, onions, bell peppers, Kashmiri saffron, roasted butternut squash, and soy sausage simmered in a seasoned tomato broth and topped with fresh scallions.  Another good dish!img_0313Shepherd’s Pie; Layered mashed Yukon gold potato and sweet potato, soy sausage, corn kernels, onions, seasonal vegetables and spinach, baked and topped with vegan cashew gravy.  Drizzled with maple balsamic and cilantro sunflower pesto.  Absolutely delicious!img_0315Butternut Squash Polenta; Grilled plant, oyster mushroom ragout and warmed sesame asparagus, drizzled with cilantro sunflower see pesto and maple balsamic.  A very nice dish.

I highly recommend this restaurant!  There were a few other dishes that looked really good, but this was just perfect for the 3 of us!

The Red Lentil Vegetarian and Vegan Restuarant                                         600 Mount Auburn St – Watertown – Massachusetts – 1-617-972-9188


img_0403-j60Boston, Massachusetts

On the grounds of the Boston Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints we saw these beautiful, absolutely gorgeous hibiscus!!


Old North Bridge

uma9c-0916-img_5987-80Concord, Massachusetts

Here, on this replica of the Old North Bridge, April 19, 1775, the Revolutionary War began with the ‘Shot Heard Round The World’.  In 2016 we walked across this bridge and felt the reverence of this area that Ralph Waldo Emerson so eloquently put on paper;

‘By the rude bridge that arched the flood,
Their flag to April’s breeze unfurled,
Here once the embattled farmers stood,
And fired the shot heard round the world.’


Pirate Cruise


New Plymouth, Massachusetts

Today is one of our grandson’s birthday and so we called and wished him a HAPYY BIRTHDAY and told him that we have a gift for him and we will bring it to him when we get home.  He was happy.  Well, this grandson LOVES pirates and anything about pirates, so on Saturday I took this photo for him and then made it into a post-card and sent it to him.  I wrote to him; ‘while we were on a boat we saw this little pirate ship and thought of you!  If you had been here with us, we would have taken you on a PIRATE CRUISE!  Would that have been fun?’

Now, how fun is that?  A PIRATE CRUISE!


Mayflower II

img_0424-60Plymouth, Massachusetts

We had a fun time in Plymouth, Massachusetts where we took a cruise out on Plymouth Harbor.  While passing the Mayflower II, I snapped this photo.  The Mayflower II is a replica of the 17th-century ship Mayflower that transported the Pilgrims to the New World in 1620.  There were 102 passengers with about 30 crew.  Every time I look at the Mayflower, I am amazed that so many people fit on it and sailed across the Atlantic Ocean nearly 400 years ago.

Susquehanna River

img_0380Nineveh, New York

We went for a drive through the countryside of New York State with our friend, Grace Houghton and it was beautiful! At one point we crossed the Susquehanna River and saw people boating on the river. It was early in the Fall, but some of the leaves had begun to change, so gorgeous!



Harmony, Pennsylvania

It seems that from the Mississippi River east, our country is full of forests! It is so beautiful, I LOVE it!!

Susquehanna River

img_0340-60Harmony, Pennsylvania

As the sun was about to set we walked out to the edge of the Susquehanna River, it was so lovely amongst the beautiful trees!

Black-Eyed Susans


Harmony, Pennsylvania

We saw beautiful wild flowers everywhere on our trip out east. Black-eyed Susan or Rudbeckia hurt are members of the Sunflower family and gorgeous!

Old Well

img_0323-60Harmony, Pennsylvania

What a great place to sit and RELAX, where I think of the past and what happened on this land back in the 1800’s?

Isaac Hales

img_0319-80Harmony, Pennsylvania

We spent a number of hours in Harmony, now Oakland, Pennsylvania where the LDS church has reconstructed the area to what it looked like in the 1800’s. This rebuilt home of Isaac & Elizabeth Hales, is where Emma lived and where Joseph Smith arrived to board and work, in 1825.  I found it the perfect place to put my feet up and RELAX!

Greenery & Fence

img_0303-60Harmony, Pennsylvania

As we have been driving around the eastern part of the United States, something that stands out is the greenery, it is breath taking!  I love the contrast of color in this photo with the fence and the plants.  A fence similar to this one once surrounded the homestead of Isaac & Elizabeth Hale, which was located on this spot.

Aaronic & Melchizedek

We drove to Harmony, Pennsylvania, known today as Oakland, where The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, has a beautiful chapel that houses a Visitor’s Center.  It is new, it wasn’t here the last time we were here.  Just before you enter the Visitor’s Center there are these two statues representing two of the great events that happened in this area, the Restoration of the Aaronic & Melchizedek Priesthood.img_0299-60AARONIC PRIESTHOOD; On May 15, 1829, the Prophet Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery went into the woods not far from where the Visitor’s Center now is, to pray about the importance of baptism.  In answer to their prayer, John the Baptist appeared to them, conferring the Aaronic Priesthood on them and commanding them to baptize each other.  They went down to the Susquehanna River and there Joseph baptized Oliver and Joseph laid his hands on the head of Oliver and ordained him to the Aaronic Priesthood and then Oliver did the same to Joseph.


MELCHIZEDEK PRIESTHOOD; We don’t know when the Melchizedek Priesthood was restored, but it was shortly after the restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood.



Pennsylvania Countryside

We had a wonderful drive up through Maryland, Pennsylvania & then New York.  We passed a lot of beautiful farmlands.

Martin Luther King Jr.

img_0282Washington D. C.

From the Jefferson Memorial you can see the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial across the Potomac River.  It opened on August 22, 2011, on the 48th anniversary of the “I Have a Dream” speech that Martin Luther King Jr. delivered from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in 1963.  A ceremony was postponed until October 16th, (the 16th anniversary of the 1995 Million Man March on the National Mall) due to Hurricane Irene.

Cool Helicopter

img_0278Washington D. C.

As we were walking along the Potomac River this cool helicopter flew over head, I couldn’t resist taking a photo of it!

Across the Potomac River

img_0262aWashington D. C.

It was a warm day in Washington DC, so Craig and I got some bottled water and then I put my feet up and RELAXED as I looked across the Potomac River at the Jefferson Memorial.

President Thomas Jefferson, 1801-1809, said; “Do you want to know who you are?  Act!  Action will delineate and define you!”

Jefferson Memorial

img_0270Washington D. C.

The Thomas Jefferson Memorial sits on the Potomac River and was built in 1943 in memory of the 3rd President of the United States of America and one of the Founding Fathers, being the main writer of the Declaration of Independence.

‘We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,…’



Washington D. C.

Craig and I went on a tour of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing and it was very interesting!  You can’t take photos inside, so this was the perfect place to RELAX and take a photo before going on the tour.  As you go on the tour it is interesting because you actually see them making money, you see piles of money, amazing.  Inside their was a saying on a wall, ‘Just think how I feel I printed my life time salary in a few minutes.’