
img_0720-60Waimea, Kauai, Hawaii

We went to Kauai’s Shrimp Truck and after a yummy lunch, I found this spot in front of the church was a perfect place to put my feet up and RELAX!

Waimea Canyon


Waimea Canyon, Kauai, Hawaii

At the top of Waimea Canyon you look down thru the mountains to the Pacific Ocean below.  This day the fog was gone and it was awesome!

Na Pali Coast

img_0771Waimea, Kauai, Hawaii

From the top of Waimea Canyon you look down thru the Na Pali Coast to the Pacific Ocean below, so gorgeous!

Waipoo Falls

img_0776aWaimea Canyon, Kauai, Hawaii

I love waterfalls, they seem so elegant and regal.  In this photo you can see the start of the Waimea River that flows to the Pacific Ocean.

Waipoo Falls thru the Trees


Waimea Canyon, Kauai, Hawaii

There are some look outs of Waipoo Falls and Waimea Canyon along the road, this one was a fun one as we looked at Waipoo Falls thru the trees.

Waipoo Falls

Waimea, Canyon, Kauai, Hawaii

There are so many angels to look at Waipoo Falls, each one breathtaking and beautiful!

Wild Goat

Waimea, Canyon

We could see some Wild Goats in the distance and while I was taking photos of the canyon they came closer until they were right by us, just on the other side of a chain linked fence.  It was fun to watch them as they played, ate and looked at the beautiful view.

Waipoo Falls

img_0683Waimea, Kauai, Hawaii

It was a gorgeous day as we drove up Waimea Canyon.  Waipoo Falls, though small in the distance, are beautiful!

Spouting Horn Park

img_0668-60South Shore, Kauai, Hawaii

I went with my sister and her husband to the Spouting Horn, it delivered, like it always does!  It is a beautiful part of our world!


img_0656Poipu, Kauai, Hawaii

It was a beautiful sunset and touched with this Hibiscus it was perfect!



Poipu, Kauai, Hawaii

It was a beautiful sunset behind the pretty yellow hibiscus!

Walking By

img_0647-60Poipu Beach, Kauai, Hawaii

Lots of people were walking by the Hawaiian Green Turtles out on the beach.  It is against the law to touch them and you are not suppose to get closer than 10′.  They are such awesome creatures!

Looking Up

img_0651-60Poipu Beach, Kauai, Hawaii

Another morning with Hawaiian Green Turtles on the beach, so fun!!

Beautiful Spot

img_0614-60Poipu, Kauai, Hawaii

Another beautiful spot looking out at the Pacific Ocean! RELAXING on the beach!



Koloa, Kauai, Hawaii

I love all the variety of Hibiscus in Hawaii and all the different colors.  This yellow one with a dark center is so pretty!

Fish View


Poipu, Kauai, Hawaii

We were in the ocean snorkeling and I took this photo looking back at the beach.  I guess this is what fish see when they look out of the water.