Poipu, Kauai, Hawaii
As I was walking along I saw this flower that had fallen to the ground. I thought it looked cool with the reflection in the water. So, I put my GoPro down and took this photo.
Photo taken with my GoPro HERO5 Black camera.
Kapaa, Kauai, Hawaii
We went to Kapaa and ate at Sam’s Ocean View. We had a beautiful view of the ocean, but it didn’t last long as the sun went down, so this photo was taken in the dark and I was able to work with it to bring out everything. Did you know that a dark photo can be worked with so whatever is in the photo can be brought out? It can and this is an example of that!
Photo taken with my iPhone 5s.
Lihue, Hawaii
They grow things big in Hawaii, look at this Sea Snail. Sea Snail is a common name for snails that normally live in saltwater, they are marine gastropods with shells. Some of these are edible, oh yummy! I am so glad I didn’t accidentally step on it!
Photo taken with my Canon 50D camera.
Kauai, Hawaii
I didn’t expect to spend my first night in Kauai, in the Emergency Room of the hospital! That’s what happens when you fall on a treadmill and get thrown into an elliptical! OUCH! This happened just hours before we left for Hawaii! Made it though, but by the evening there was lots of pain, so I got checked out!. Nothing too serious, a broken rib which will heal in time. What a place to recuperate in! LOVING HAWAII!
Photo taken with my iPhone 5s.
Poipu, Kauai, Hawai’i
When I am out taking photos, many times, I carry with me a small spray bottle so when I want to give a fresh, new effect, I can spray water on a flower. This water livens up the flower and adds so much! Of course, natures way with rain drops works the same and is better. It had rained thru the night, as you can see by the rain drops on this hibiscus.
Camera used: GoPro HERO5 Black
Waimea, Kauai, Hawaii
I don’t remember how many times I have been up to the top of Waimea Canyon to look out at the Pacific Ocean, looking down thru the Na Pali Coast and every time it has been fogged in! Until last week when we went up there with my sister Becky and her husband Tom, I was so excited, for the first time I saw the beautiful view!! Now, we went up there with my brother Wayne and his wife Kathy to see it again, but this time it was even better! Last week, though clear, there was a cloud hanging down over the ocean and a shadow on the mountains, this day it was clear, so gorgeous! I think we have learned the trick; look for a full sun day and go early, getting there at about 10:30 am. At least the two times we tried that it worked and it worked well!