Lihue, Kauai, Hawaii – 2016 – iPhone
Poipu Beach, Kauai, Hawaii
The first week we were in Kauai it rained a lot and I didn’t see any Monk Seals and then they came. Everyday on the beach there were one or two and sometimes three. It was so fun to watch them and at times, they watched us. I thought it would be fun to RELAX with one. This, of course, was as close as I could get to it, because they are endangered, but we did RELAXED together!
March 2016
Photo taken with an iPhone 5s
Poipu Beach, Kauai, Hawaii
Our friend, Milt Taylor, had told me about a sacred place down by the beach, so I went and found it. I then thought it would be a good idea to put my feet up and RELAX! Timing was perfect because right in front of me was a man playing with his drone. He shot it out over the ocean and along the beach. I don’t know what he was taking photos of, but unbeknownst to him, I was talking photos of him. I waited until just the right time, as his drone returned to him and I got this photo. It had started to rain, so he was finished and so was I!
Photo taken with an iPhone 5s