Lihue, Kauai, Hawaii
We were waiting for our table at Duke’s in Lihue, when my husband pointed out this giant palm leaf to me. It’s shades of green were beautiful as the sun shone from behind!
Camera used: iPhone
Koloa, Kauai, Hawai’i
I love this tree tunnel near Poipu, on the island on Kauai. On our way to and from Poipu we drive thru this Tree Tunnel. Some days it is raining, other days you can see the blue sky thru the trees. It is a fun place and I love taking photos when there is little traffic. This Tree Tunnel has rows of Eucalyptus Trees that were planted about 150 years ago by sugar king Walter McBryde. LOVE IT!
Camera used: GoPro HERO5 Black
Hanapepe, Kauai, Hawai’i
As we walked along the street in Hanapepe, I loved this scene with a bike, it seemed so Hawai’i with the Hawaiian shirts in the window, a palm tree and the outside plants. Hanapepe is a charming, sleepy town that comes to life on Friday nights with food booths and lots of shopping.
Camera used: GoPro HERO5 Black
#thrumyeyes #thrumyeyesbyjulie #juliepacini #photosbyjulie #fotosbyjulie #julie #theworldthrumyeyes #travel #travelphotography #traveltheworld #photos #photography #photographyislife #travelingtheworld #grandmastravels #relax #enjoyinglife #stylish #wanderlust #photooftheday #hanapepe #kauai #hawaii #sleepytown #foodbooths
Hanapepe, Kauai, Hawai’i
When we were on Kauai last year, my sister and her husband found this awesome, quaint swinging bridge in Hanapepe. It is a foot bridge that crosses over the Hanapepe River and links the old town of Hanapepe to the Hanapepe Valley. It was originally built in the 1900’s as the only way for locals to cross the river. In 1992, it was badly damaged by Hurricane Iniki and has since been restored and reinforced. It is used today by farmers and locals who need to cross the river, as well as, curious tourists.
Camera used: GoPro HERO5 Black