Cancun, Mexico
While a family took a selfie with their eclipse glasses on, I put my feet up and RELAXED!
Photo taken with my iPhone 5s.
Xcaret, Mexico
Mexico is our next adventure and what a beautiful place it is! Xcaret is a huge park located on a Mayan archaeological site. It is on the Caribbean coastline of the Yucatán Peninsula, in the state of Quintana Roo, Mexico. We had such a wonderful day, seeing so much, enjoying great food and entertainment!
Photo taken with my iPhone 5s.
Cancun, Mexico
I woke-up early and looked out our hotel room window to see how the night was going and to my delight, the sun was just rising over the horizon. I grabbed my camera and took this photo. As I look at it, it gives me reverence to Heavenly Father and my Savior, Jesus Christ for the beautiful creations that were made for us!
Photo was taken with my Canon 50D camera.
Xcaret, Mexico
We watched this very ancient ceremonial ritual. It is believed it began about 450 years ago when there was a severe drought in the land and the ritual was created to appease the Gods and apparently it worked. The ritual consists of dancers climbing a 30 meter (98 1/2 foot) pole from which four of the five participants then launch themselves tied with ropes to descend to the ground. The fifth remains on top of the pole, dancing and playing a flute and drum. It was very interesting and oh, there was no net!
Photo taken with my Canon 50D camera.