Lavender with Bumble Bee


Scy-Chazelles, France

Do you know how hard it is to get a photo of a Bumble Bee, it is really, really hard because they don’t stop moving.  I took a lot of photos with blurred bees before I got this one in Robert Schuman’s garden.  I love the color of Lavender!

Photo taken with a Canon 50D

Dainty White Flowers


Scy-Chazelles, France

These flowers are so dainty and pure looking.  I don’t know the name of them, so if you do, please let me know!

Photo taken with a Canon 50D

Black-Eyed Susan Vines


Scy-Chazelles, France

Here are some beautiful Black-Eyed Susan Vines (Thunbergia Alata) that were also in Robert Schuman’s garden.  I have always loved the color yellow and these flowers with the black center are stunning!

Photo taken with a Canon 50D

Robert Schuman’s Gardens


Scy-Chazelles, France

Robert Schuman was an amazing man, born in Luxembourg, he grew up to be called the ‘Father of Europe’. He spent most week-ends at his home and the last few years of his life there, during which time he attended church daily. His garden is beautiful and peaceful, so I took advantage and put my feet up and RELAXED. In this photo you can see his house thru the trees to the right and the church he attended to the left.

Photo taken with an iPhone 5s

Gate to Robert Schuman’s Home


Scy-Chazelles, France

The garden’s at Robert Schuman’s house are beautiful as you will see by other  photos that I will post.  They are well manicured and kept up so well!  This photo was taken from inside his yard, so this is what people would see as they left his home.

We were very happy that our friends, Marlies and Helmut Werner, took us out to learn about this humble and extraordinary man!

Photo taken with an iPhone 5s

Robert Schuman’s Tomb


Scy-Chazelles, France

Our friends, Marlies and Helmut Werner, were very excited to take us to the burial place of Robert Schuman, who was born in Luxembourg in 1886. While in Luxembourg they showed us where he lived as a child. I had never heard of him before, which is sad because he had a lot to do with helping European Countries come together and stop fighting. I can see why this was so important to him because he lived thru both World War I & World War II.

During World War II he was arrested for acts of resistance and protest against the Nazis. He was interrogated by the Gestapo but thanks to a German lawyer, he was saved from being sent to Dachau. With the help of others he escaped in 1942 and re-joined the French Resistance. He spoke out against Germany during the time when Nazi Germany was at the peak of its power.

He accomplished a lot in his life, including being the Prime Minister of France twice, Minister of Finance and Foreign Minister and he was also instrumental in building post-war Europe and is regarded as one of the founders of the European Union, the Council of Europe and NATO.

Robert Schumann became the first President of the European Parliamentary Assembly (the successor to the Common Assembly) which bestowed on him the title ‘Father of Europe’.

He died in 1963 at the age of 77 in Scy-Chazelles, France. He is buried in the church of Saint Quentin, which is across the street from his home where he spent most week-ends and the last few years of his life. (THANKS Marlies & Helmut, a GREAT video they show at this home & Wikipedia.)

Photo taken with a Canon 50D

Sidewalk Cafés


Metz, France

When I think of France, sidewalk cafés come to mind, so this photo to me, is France!

June 2016

Photo taken with an iPhone 5s



Metz, France

This meat market was beautiful, clean, it smelt good and was so fun to just wander through!  THANKS to our friends Marlies and Helmut, who took us there.

Meat Market

Metz, France

We walked through a fun meat market and I saw the perfect place to put my feet up and RELAX!

Sidewalk Café


Metz, France

I have always LOVED sidewalk cafés, as Craig will attest to, if I have a choice we’d always eat outside!

June 2016

Photo taken with an iPhone 5s



Metz, France

I LOVE fruit tarts!!  You see them a lot in Italy as well as throughout Europe.  We found some here in France and we ENJOYED!

Cathédrale Saint-Etienne


Metz, France

Our friends, Helmut & Marlies Werner, took us to France to show us some of their favorite places. Metz was a beautiful city with it’s many churches, outdoor cafés & river views along the Moselle & Seille. I must say we have seen some beautiful churches throughout Europe and Britain! This one also, was gorgeous inside and outside as you can see by it’s ornate art work surrounding it’s door.

June 2016

Photo taken with an iPhone 5s

Protestant Temple


Metz, France

On the banks of the River Moselle sits the Protestant Temple of Metz.  I have tried to find out exactly what religion it is, but have been unable to do so.  I found that throughout Europe people refer to the Catholic Church or the Protestant Church, however, the Protestant Church is a combination of many churches, Lutheran, Baptist, Church of England, Episcopalian, Presbyterian, to name a few.  It was built in the 1800’s by the German’s.

June 2016

Photo taken with an iPhone 5s

Along the River


Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

While visiting our friends, Marlies & Helmut in 2016, we went for a walk with them along the River Alzette where we went over bridges and up and down paths. It was so fun and beautiful!


Looking at the City


Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

Marlies showed us another place where there is a nice view of Luxembourg, so I thought I’d ENJOY it by putting my feet up and RELAXING just for a bit!

June 2016

Photo taken with an iPhone 5s

Nestled in the Valley

Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

Luxembourg is a unique city, nestled in a long, narrow valley. Some of the city, however, does sit above the valley. These homes rest along the River Alzette, where we had a wonderful walk along the river, over bridges and up and down paths. The greenery and gardens are gorgeous!

June 2016

Photo taken with a Canon 50D

Valley Wall & Gardens


Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

The wall of the valley is absolutely beautiful, particularly in this area where a garden is so well manicured!  I LOVE this photo!

June 2016

Photo taken with a Canon 50D

European Union & Luxembourg Flags


As we continued our walk along the River Alzette I looked up the valley wall and saw these flags waving in the wind, the European Union Flag and the Luxembourg Flag.

June 2016

Photo taken with a Canon 50D

Church Along The River Alzette


Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

As we walked along the River Alzette saw many bridges and churches.  Because of the high walls of the valley, as seen in this photo, you can’t hear the busy sounds of Luxembourg City that is above.

June 2016

Photos taken with an iPhone 5s