Prague, Czech Republic – 2016 – 50D
We went on a great walking tour around Prague. Our Guide Jan, (Honza is what his family calls him), said he would take us to the Metro at the end of our tour. So, when it was over, while we waited for him to help the other people on our tour get to where they needed to go, we stood by this clock. When Jan returned I asked him if it was worth it to wait and watch the clock go off (it does every hour on the hour). His response was, “Let’s wait!” So, we did, we visited for the next 15 minutes and then we saw it go! The two little doors opened and the 12 Apostles appeared two by two. The skeleton, on the right, pulled the chain and the bell tolled. It only last a matter of seconds, but it was worth the wait!
This is an amazing clock! It tells the equator, time, zodiac, 24 hour clock, ancient Czech time, moon revolutions, star time, sunrise and sunset, year & month, to name a few things! It is the oldest running astronomical clock in the world.