We had a wonderful walk, it felt so good with the warm sun touching us. As we turned a corner my grandson took off. He was loving it, too!
Boston, Massachusetts
The USS Constitution is the world’s oldest commissioned naval vessel afloat, launching in 1797. In 2016 we were able to walk around the USS Constitution while she is in dry dock and as skilled people work to restore her. As we walked around I thought, if only she could speak, what stories she could tell!
New Plymouth, Massachusetts
Today is one of our grandson’s birthday and so we called and wished him a HAPYY BIRTHDAY and told him that we have a gift for him and we will bring it to him when we get home. He was happy. Well, this grandson LOVES pirates and anything about pirates, so on Saturday I took this photo for him and then made it into a post-card and sent it to him. I wrote to him; ‘while we were on a boat we saw this little pirate ship and thought of you! If you had been here with us, we would have taken you on a PIRATE CRUISE! Would that have been fun?’
Now, how fun is that? A PIRATE CRUISE!
Plymouth, Massachusetts
We had a fun time in Plymouth, Massachusetts where we took a cruise out on Plymouth Harbor. While passing the Mayflower II, I snapped this photo. The Mayflower II is a replica of the 17th-century ship Mayflower that transported the Pilgrims to the New World in 1620. There were 102 passengers with about 30 crew. Every time I look at the Mayflower, I am amazed that so many people fit on it and sailed across the Atlantic Ocean nearly 400 years ago.
Washington D. C.
We took the Metro into Washington DC and had a great walk around the National Mall. The National Mall is nearly 2 miles long and over 1,000′ wide in some areas. So, it is really large and would entail a lot of walking to do all of it. So, we started about half way at the Washington Monument and went towards the Lincoln Memorial. From the World War II Memorial you can see the US Capitol Building peaking up over the horizon behind the Washington Monument.
Middle River, Maryland
We went to dinner with some friends who we have known for over 35 years, it was so good to see them! Our dinner at Caron’s Creekside Restaurant was delicious and it was so fun to be together with them. Before we ate I went out on the dock and took photos of Hard Head Creek, the boats and and the beautiful scenery!