British Cabbie

Westminster, London, England

British Cabs are fun and unique!  They are called Black Cabs but some are brightly colored and some have ads on them.  This pink one is awesome!

Camera used: iPhone


Little Ben

London, England

After seeing WICKED, an awesome play, we walked to a restaurant for dinner and passed this really cool clock at Victoria Station.  It is situated close to the theater where HAMILTON is playing.  Sadly, HAMILTON is booked out and has been for months.  A few days after taking this photo, we were on a tour of London and the cab driver, Michael, told us that the name of this clock is Little Ben.  It was erected in 1892 and was a gift from France. It mimics the famous clock tower, Big Ben.

Camera used:  iPhone


London, England

British cabbies are clean, sparkling, fun and unique.  The majority are plain black, yet others have bright colors with ads on them.  We walked by this line of cabbies, waiting for customers to wave them down.

Camera used:  iPhone

Funky Bench

IMG_1356aRoute 66, Arizona

As we drove along Route 66 in Arizona we came to a funky bench that reminded us of cars from years ago.  There was a funky car behind the bushes, too.  It was fun!

iPhone 5s


And He’s Off


We had a wonderful walk, it felt so good with the warm sun touching us.  As we turned a corner my grandson took off.  He was loving it, too!

Old Cars

IMG_0981aOrlando, Florida

I LOVE old cars and so it was fun to sit and RELAX with my feet up and look at these cars that brought back a lot of memories from my childhood!  We had a wonderful time at Universal Studios, such a fun place!


img_0426Los Angeles, California

On our way to Kauai, Hawaii, we landed at LAX. Freeways are always busy there, but today they are beautiful as we land. I yelled out HI to our daughter, Ashley and her husband, Michael!

California Traffic


Anaheim Hills, California – 2016 – iPhone

Six miles an hour, but GREAT bonding time! 😊 We were on our way to visit friends and the traffic was bad, so I took this photo to show them how bad the traffic really was!

British Flags, Buses & Cabbies


Westminster, London, England

We met some dear friends, Marlena Calabrese Murtas​, her husband Salvatore & their cute son, at Piccadilly Circus and enjoyed the view while we waited; British flags, buses and cabbies!

May 2016

Photo taken with an iPhone 5s