Moving On The Rhine


Niederkassel, Germany

River Boats transport things back and forth all day long.  Christine and I watched as this boat passed us and another one came up the river, the Rhine is a very busy river!

Photo taken with an iPhone 5s

Ducklings Following Mama


Niederkassel, Germany

As, my friend, Christine and I walked thru the forest and along the Rhein, we saw this mother duck with her ducklings right behind her. No matter where she went or what she did, they stayed in this straight line! Notice the Crane behind them watching for dinner.

Photo taken with a Canon 50D

Amongst The Trees


Niederkassel, Germany

As Christine and I were out on our walk, along the River Rhein, I saw someone get off their bike and walk towards the river, so I took the opportunity to get a photo of the bike.  It blends into the trees, bushes and scenery.

Photo taken with an iPhone 5s

Along The Rhine


Niederkassel, Germany

From where Christine lives there is a peninsula that juts out into the Rhine. To get there we crossed a small walking bridge and then we walked thru a beautiful forest! Then we walked along the Rhine watching river boats go by, listening to the birds (and there were lots) and enjoying the peace and quiet. I put my feet up and RELAXED. In this photo you can see how high the Rhine is, due to all the rain throughout Europe, the trees normally come out of a beach not the river!

Photo taken with an iPhone 5s

Home of Beethoven


Bonn, Germany

My friend, Christine, and I went to a pottery market in Bonn and there in the middle of it was this statue of Ludwig Von Beethoven who was born in Bonn. He was baptized in 1770 and when we were there in 2002, we visited his home. It is amazing that during the last 10 years of his life he was almost deaf and many of his most admired works come from that period of his life. It makes me want to be the best that I can with the faculties I have!

A side note; I have always loved the name BEETHOVEN! I even had, as a teenager, a small dog I named Beethoven. My grandfather visited us from New Zealand during that time and he couldn’t understand why I named my small dog such a huge name, so he refused to call him Beethoven and always called him Chopin!

Photo taken with an iPhone 5s

Not European Championships

Bonn, Germany

As we walked around Bonn I saw a football, (American Soccer) game going on, on the grounds of the University of Bonn. It wasn’t the European Championships that are going on right now, but it was the perfect place for me to put my feet up and RELAX, bike and all!!

2016 – iPhone

Red Telephone Box in Germany


Bonn, Germany

When we were in England someone asked me if they still have the British Red Telephone Boxes.  I said they do but they aren’t used any more.  Because they are such an icon of England, they are keeping them, but they don’t have phones in them.  Well, in Bonn, Germany I saw this British Red Telephone Box full of books.  We were in the car and driving past so I was unable to find out why there were books inside or even why this British Red Telephone Box is in Germany!?!?

Photos taken with an iPhone 5s