Olive Grove

OliveGrovePoggio Nativo, Italy – 2016 – iPhone

We had a wonderful time with our friends Lorenzo Perticaroli, Lorenza Perticaroli & Emanuele Guidara! It rained while we ate lunch together so, when we went outside everything was fresh with the moisture from the rain! I took this photo of their olive grove and the beautiful view behind it, in Poggio Nativo, Italy.

Olive Grove

+ITPM1b-0516.(IMG_8150)60Poggio Nativo, Italia

We had a wonderful time with our friends Lorenzo Perticaroli, Lorenza Perticaroli & Emanuele Guidara! It rained while we ate lunch together so, when we went outside everything was fresh with the moisture from the rain! I took this photo of their olive grove and the beautiful view behind it, in Poggio Nativo, Italy.


Relaxing at Hadrian’s Villa

RelaxingHadriansVillaTivoli, Italy – 2016 – iPhone

What a wonderful day walking, talking, going back in History, and so course, RELAXING as we take it all in!

Hadrian’s Villa

HadriansVillaTivoli, Italy – 2016 – iPhone

As we walked thru this part we were walking on tiny marble tiles and they were very, very old, possibily pre-Christ. WOW, imagine!

Castel Sant’Angelo

CastelSantAngeloRome, Italy – 2016 – iPhone

We decided to take a walk thru Rome. We walked along the Tiber River and saw some beautiful sights! Castel Sant’Angelo was built by the Emperor Hadrian as a tomb for he and his family in 134 AD. His ashes were placed here a year after he died in 138 AD. In later years it became a fortress for Popes. Today it is a museum.

Roman Drinking Fountain


Rome, Italy – 2016 – iPhone

Rome has drinking fountains all over with fresh, delicious water running from them. If you put your finger under the spout, water comes up and out of a hole allowing you to drink the water. It is so refreshing on a hot day or just a perfect day of walking around Rome!

Tandem A Roma

TandemRomaRome, Italy – 2016 – iPhone

I’ve always had this thing for taking photos of bikes. So, when I see either a cool bike or a bike with cool surroundings, I have to snap a photo! This one, in Rome, was no different!


Il Colosseo

Rome, Italy – 2016 – iPhone

I love the Colosseum, there is just something about it’s history that fascinates me. (No Christians were killed here.) There are always so many people around the Colosseum, and today was no exception, so I went with a photo of the top!


Beautiful Flowers

BeautifulFlowersGuidonia, Italy – 2016 – iPhone

I went for a walk and really enjoyed it! I love the wild flowers I saw along the way! Fortunately, I had an umbrella with me because it started to rain.

On The Road

OnTheRoadCROATIA – 2016 – Canon 50D

After spending a beautiful day in Serbia, we returned to Croatia. It was dark when we arrived in Zagreb, but we did see this beautiful sunset as we headed west towards Zagreb, Croatia.

Beautiful Countryside

BeautifulCountrysideAlanno, Italy – 2016 – iPhone

Craig’s barber’s (in Rome) daughter and her husband run a beautiful hotel and restaurant, Villa Alessandra, here in Alanno, Italy. The setting is beautiful, picturesque! When I think of getting away from the world, the busy city, life, one of the places I think of is Alanno!

Pescara to Rome

PescaraRomeCocullo, Italy – 2016 – iPhone

One of my favorite drives, in the whole world, is the road from Rome to Pescara! I counted how many tunnels there are many years ago, but I have since forgotten, about 20ish, I think! The best thing is that you are on as many bridges, if not more! As you come out of a tunnel you are up high on a bridge and you can see some of the most beautiful scenery! Lush green everywhere, beautiful farmlands, gorgeous countryside, but my favorite are the little villages nestled into the mountainsides or sitting on a pinnacle high above the world below. Of course, they were originally built high up for protection but, today they stand as monuments to a vast array of history! This day we took the same road, but this time in the opposite direction from Pescara to Rome, not as good because you miss one of my favorite villages, but still fun and enjoyable!

Relaxing Thru The Tunnel

RelaxingThruTunnelCocullo, Italy – 2016 – iPhone

One of the many tunnels we went thru on the road to Rome! Tunnels are fun, but you don’t want to hold you breath while going thru this one, 2 1/2 miles!

Welcome May

WelcomeMayGuidonia, Italia – 2016 – Canon 50D

After having a wonderful evening with friends, we were preparing for bed when we heard fireworks, apparently to welcome in May or maybe they were welcoming the Pacini’s to ‘ROMA’?

Thru The Trees

ThruTreesRome, Italy – 2016 – iPhone

We were blessed to be with dear friends and have a beautiful sunset as we spent time together!

Leaning Tower of Pisa


Pisa, Italy – 2016 – iPhone

It’s always fun to visit the Leaning Tower of Pisa!  I tried to go up it once, but as you can see there aren’t many railings around the outside edge and when you are on the side that tips down it is a very strange feeling!  I tried, failed, but tried!  My stomach got the best of me!