The Pantheon

itr12c-505-il-pantheon-original80dRome, Italy

This photo is looking past a fountain that stands in front of the Pantheon, with the front of the Pantheon in the background.  The Pantheon is a very unique building and one of my favorites in Rome because there is nothing else like it!  It was originally built as a Greek Temple about 27 B.C. but the present building was built about 126 A.D. and is now a Catholic Church.  It is a circular building with a dome that has a circular opening that allows rain to fall to the floor below.  The floor slopes just enough so that drains along the wall can catch the running water.  I have been there during a rain storm and it is pretty interesting!  The engineering from nearly 2,000 years ago is awesome!

Il Colosseo

itr4b-0301-il-coloseoRome, Italy

The Colosseum in Rome, also known as the Flavian Amphitheater, is the biggest amphitheater ever built.  In Italy it is known as Il Colosseo and was completed in 80 AD.  It could hold up to 80,000 people.

