Riviera Maya, Mexico
As we walked thru Xcaret, a wonderful park, we saw some beautiful birds. This little guy was chirping away, isn’t he gorgeous?
Photo taken with my Canon 50D camera.
Cancun, Mexico
I first learned about Frigatebirds on a trip to Hawaii. My dad knew all about birds, and he taught me some interesting facts about the Frigatebird. While in Mexico I saw a lot of them. They are a family of seabirds which are found across all tropical and subtropical oceans. All have black feathers, long, deeply forked tails and long hooked bills. Their wings are long and pointed and can span up to 7 1/2 feet, the largest wing area to body weight ratio of any bird.
Photo taken with my Canon 50D camera.
Palisades Reservoir, Idaho
On our way to Jackson Hole, Wyoming we saw a Hawk’s nest on a pole and stopped to take photos. While taking photos, out of the corner of my eye, I saw another Hawk circling around and I started taking photos of it and then I saw it had a fish in it’s claws, I was so excited!
Photo taken with my Canon 50D camera.
Palisades Reservoir, Idaho
While traveling to Jackson Hole, Wyoming we saw a nest with a Hawk in it on top of a pole. We got out to take photos. As I was taking photos another Hawk flew over the nest and then the two Hawks started talking to each other. It was so cool!
Photo taken with my Canon 50D camera.