Salt Lake City, Utah
The area we live in has beautiful flowers in the Springtime. In May of 2004 I went for a walk and took lots of photos of daisies. I love this daisy!
Salt Lake City, Utah
In 2004 I took a photography class and one of our assignments was to take a photo using light. I was in Denver during that week, visiting our son and his family, and so I wasn’t able to get my assignment done, until I returned home and as we landed I looked out the window and took this photo of our landing. My teacher really liked it!
Binghamton, New York
From 1919 – 1934 George F. Johnson, a shoe manufacturer, donated six beautiful carousels to the City of Binghamton. George felt carousels should be enjoyed by everyone and insisted that there would never be a charge for a magic ride. While on a trip, visiting our friends Grace and Charlie in 2003, they took use to these 6 carousels, where I had fun taking photographs of them.
San Francisco, California
The Bay Area has always been a fun area for us to visit. Now that Craig’s parents have passed away, we don’t go there as often as we use to. On this trip to California in 2002 we drove across the Golden Gate (a strait connecting the San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean) via the Golden Gate Bridge.