British Flags, Buses & Cabbies


Westminster, London, England

We met some dear friends, Marlena Calabrese Murtas​, her husband Salvatore & their cute son, at Piccadilly Circus and enjoyed the view while we waited; British flags, buses and cabbies!

May 2016

Photo taken with an iPhone 5s

Purple Bike

BK24r-070480Cambridge, England

On a bus tour of the British Isles that we went on in 2004, we walked thru the University of Cambridge, which was founded in 1209.  It is a beautiful campus and I found a lot of bikes to photograph!


Brighton Pier

bk1aab-704-brighton-england80Brighton, England

I have always ENJOYED taking photos of bikes and this trip to England in 2004 was no exception. Brighton is a fun, quaint town right on the English Channel. This was a fun shot with the Brighton Pier in the background.


Alnwick Castle

ena1c-0804-alnwick-castle-80Alnwick, England

Alnwick Castle was transformed into Hogwarts in ‘Harry Potter’. On our bus tour of the British Isles in 2004 we went to Alnwick Castle. It was so fun to be there and feel the Hogwarts spirit.
