On the Line

IMG_1287Four Corners; New Mexico, Arizona, Utah & Colorado

I took the opportunity when no one was around to sit on the line of New Mexico & Arizona while I looked at Utah & Colorado.  It was a very hot, but fun day!

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Agate Bridge

IMG_1389aPetrified Forest National Park, Arizona

Agate Bridge spans 110 feet and was once a towering tree. Over time the tree died, was carried downstream where it was quickly buried in sediment and over time silica began to replace the tree, eventually becoming the log it is today.  In 1911, visitors and conservationists were afraid that the bridge would collapse, and they reinforced the former tree with support.  It sure is amazing and I am so glad we went and saw it while on a recent trip.

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IMG_1283Four Corners; Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona & Utah

While I was taking photos, Chelsea patiently sat and waited.  I had to take this photo of me RELAXING & her RELAXING, too!

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Diverse Colors

IMG_1340aPainted Desert, Arizona

This was the perfect place for me to put my feet up and RELAX & ENJOY the  beautiful surroundings!

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IMG_1279aFour Corners; Utah, Colorado, New Mexico & Arizona

We drove out into the boonies because there isn’t much out at Four Corners. There is a monument and booths where Indians sell their wears, many are homemade and they are pretty impressive!  I RELAXED and ENJOYED watching people stand on all four states at the same time, it was fun!

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IMG_1346aPainted Desert, Arizona

When we visited Newspaper Rock the sun was beginning to set and so there were heavy shadows on the petroglyphs.  In this photos, though, you get an idea of how good they are!   Do you ever wonder who these people were who made them?  I do!

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IMG_1275aBluff, Utah

The roses at the hotel where we stayed in Bluff were beautiful!  I love all flowers, but roses are special!

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Funky Bench

IMG_1356aRoute 66, Arizona

As we drove along Route 66 in Arizona we came to a funky bench that reminded us of cars from years ago.  There was a funky car behind the bushes, too.  It was fun!

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Beautiful View

IMG_1316aPainted Desert, Arizona

The Painted Desert sites on the northern end of the Petrified Forest.  It is very beautiful with it’s diverse colors!

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Newspaper Rock

IMG_1335aPainted Desert, Arizona

We went to the area called Newspaper Rock where there are over 650 petroglyphs.  Because the sun was going down and there were lots of shadows, they are hard to see.  Also, to protect them, you cannot get very close.  I had to really lighten this photo so you can see some down in the bottom right corner of the large rock.  I have always enjoyed looking at petroglyphs, wondering what the person was like who made them.  These were created by ancestral Puebloan people living, farming, and hunting along the Puerco River between 650 and 2,000 years ago. Some of the ancient artists may have lived at Puerco Pueblo, located less than one mile north of this site.

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Pueblo Architecture

IMG_1329aPainted Desert, Arizona

We saw the Pueblo architecture on our trip, throughout Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado.  It draws its inspiration from the Pueblos and the Spanish missions and it developed at the turn of the 20th century.  Though these are modern and aren’t made of adobe, you do still some buildings that are.  Adobe is among the earliest building materials, and is used throughout the world.  They have a very unique look!

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Tiponi Point

IMG_1325aPainted Desert, Arizona

We stopped at each of the look outs to see the views.  Here, at Tiponi Point, like all the others, the Painted Desert was a photographer’s delight.  It was a very hot day, but well worth going and seeing.

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IMG_1321aPainted Desert, Arizona

The Painted Desert is so beautiful, words and photos don’t give it justice.  You look forever, it seems, at endless layers of beautiful colors!

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Twin Rocks

IMG_1251aBluff, Utah

There isn’t much in Bluff, Utah, only 350 inhabitants, but, they do have some pretty scenery, Twin Rocks, for example. It was fun to read the monument as we entered the town where it says, Established in 650 A.D.  This is Indian country.

Route 66

IMG_1352Painted Desert, Arizona

On my bucket list is to drive Route 66 that goes from Chicago to Los Angeles.  Someday I am going to do that!  So, I was pretty excited while on our latest trip, we did drive on part of Historic Route 66.

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Cool Mountains

IMG_1360aPainted Desert, Arizona

As we were driving along I had my husband stop so I could get a photo of these cool mountains layered with different minerals.

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Painted Desert

IMG_1311aPetrified Forest, Arizona

We spent a lot of time in the Petrified Forest, starting with the Painted Desert.  It was breathtaking! The perfect spot to put my feet up and RELAX!

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Shiprock, New Mexico

As we were driving along the freeway I could see this mountain in the distance.  I took photos from the car, even though the lighting wasn’t the best, I hope you can get a feel for it as I did.  It definitely peaked my curiosity because it is a very flat area, except for this rock that sticks up out of the desert.

According to Wikipedia; the name Shiprock gets it’s name from the peak’s resemblance of an enormous 19th-century clipper ship.  It is in the Navajo Nation and plays an important role in their religion, myth, and tradition.  It is located in the center of the area occupied by the Ancient Pueblo People, a prehistoric Native American culture of the Southwest United States often referred to as the Anasazi.

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Gorgeous View

IMG_1384aPetrified Forest, Arizona

I climbed a little incline and was so happy with the gorgeous view I saw!  Petrified Rocks in the foreground and beautiful mountains in the background.

Taken with a Canon 50D

Native American

IMG_1291Teec Nos Pos, Arizona

After spending some time at Four Corners, we went to our next stop to pick up a few goodies for our trip.  Along the wall of the market we stopped at, they had beautiful paintings of Native American’s.  It reminded me that this is Indian country; mainly the Navajo, Hopi, Ute & Zuni tribal nations!

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