fw1c-0705-slc-ut80-copySalt Lake City, Utah

Fireworks are fun to take photos of and a nice challenge! I hope you have a WONDERFUL New Year’s Celebration! HAPPY NEW YEAR and may 2017 be a GREAT year for you!


Manneken Pis

bg1b-0605-mannekenpis80Brussels, Belgium

Brussels is a beautiful city, full of history and art.  One of it’s famous statues is this one (Little Man Pee) that we found after a little searching back in 2005.  Apparently, he does get dressed from time to time, during celebrations.


Sleepy Companions


Los Angeles, California

Vacation(s) coming to an end, time to go home and get caught up!  Traveling with sleepy companions!

Disneyland Does Good


Anaheim, California 

 We had settled down for the night in our hotel and heard the fireworks begin, so I ran out and was able to get a few good photos. Disneyland always does such a good show!!

Fireworks or Night Sky


Anaheim, California

It’s always fun taking photos of fireworks as well as the night sky and with this photo I’ll ask, is it fireworks or the night sky?

Relaxing at Waimea Canyon

img_0695Waimea, Kauai, Hawaii

After many times of going to the top of Waimea Canyon, finally, the view was opened up and what a view it was!  It was the perfect place to put my feet up and RELAX!!

Waimea Canyon

img_0692Waimea, Kauai, Hawaii

I don’t remember how many times I have been up to the top of Waimea Canyon to look out at the Pacific Ocean, looking down thru the Na Pali Coast and every time it has been fogged in!  Until last week when we went up there with my sister Becky and her husband Tom, I was so excited, for the first time I saw the beautiful view!!   Now, we went up there with my brother Wayne and his wife Kathy to see it again, but this time it was even better!  Last week, though clear, there was a cloud hanging down over the ocean and a shadow on the mountains, this day it was clear, so gorgeous!  I think we have learned the trick; look for a full sun day and go early, getting there at about 10:30 am.  At least the two times we tried that it worked and it worked well!

Majestic Cook Pines


Kalaheo, Kauai, Hawaii

We drove around Kukuiolono Golf Course which is so beautiful with it’s gorgeous views! It is a public golf course and though we aren’t golfers, yet, I did take advantage of some of the nice opportunities to take photographs. 

Drone Coming Down

Waimea, Kauai, Hawaii

At the Russian Fort, Fort Elizabeth, which was built in the early 19th Century, my brother-in-law flew his drone to see what was on the other side of the fort’s stone walls. It was pretty cool! Here, Tom is bringing his drone slowly down to him as I RELAX and watch.


img_0720-60Waimea, Kauai, Hawaii

We went to Kauai’s Shrimp Truck and after a yummy lunch, I found this spot in front of the church was a perfect place to put my feet up and RELAX!

Waimea Canyon


Waimea Canyon, Kauai, Hawaii

At the top of Waimea Canyon you look down thru the mountains to the Pacific Ocean below.  This day the fog was gone and it was awesome!

Na Pali Coast

img_0771Waimea, Kauai, Hawaii

From the top of Waimea Canyon you look down thru the Na Pali Coast to the Pacific Ocean below, so gorgeous!

Waipoo Falls

img_0776aWaimea Canyon, Kauai, Hawaii

I love waterfalls, they seem so elegant and regal.  In this photo you can see the start of the Waimea River that flows to the Pacific Ocean.

Waipoo Falls thru the Trees


Waimea Canyon, Kauai, Hawaii

There are some look outs of Waipoo Falls and Waimea Canyon along the road, this one was a fun one as we looked at Waipoo Falls thru the trees.

Waipoo Falls

Waimea, Canyon, Kauai, Hawaii

There are so many angels to look at Waipoo Falls, each one breathtaking and beautiful!

Wild Goat

Waimea, Canyon

We could see some Wild Goats in the distance and while I was taking photos of the canyon they came closer until they were right by us, just on the other side of a chain linked fence.  It was fun to watch them as they played, ate and looked at the beautiful view.

Waipoo Falls

img_0683Waimea, Kauai, Hawaii

It was a gorgeous day as we drove up Waimea Canyon.  Waipoo Falls, though small in the distance, are beautiful!